Monday, July 11, 2016

4th of July Smoosh

Happy Monday Kidz,

Hope you all had a good weekend and a good Monday :)  I had an alright weekend, got some cleaning done and hung out with one of my favorite friends, Freddie, from out of town on Sunday all day.  He crashed at our place on Saturday night after going out and it was really nice seeing Freddie and getting to catch up and hang out.  I hadn't seen him since Spring PDF back in May and I did miss him :)

Last weekend for the holiday weekend Casey and I had gone up to my Dad's hunting camp in Potter County, PA.  It's so gorgeous up in the mountains and I love it. It was a very emotional weekend as this was the first time that I'd been up at the camp since Dad died and without my Dad there with me, I cried a lot.  It was hard being there, but, I was really happy to be there and all weekend I felt like Dad was there with us, especially Saturday night when we were hanging by the fire, I felt Dad so strongly there sitting at the picnic table with us.  We plan to go up every 4 to 5 weeks or so to keep the camp maintained and to keep Dad's pride in that camp going for as long as we can.  He was so very proud of the bus and I am too :)  The camp is a 1939 Reo school bus that was converted into a huntin' camp and Dad and a couple of his buddies hauled the bus up to Potter Co. 50 plus years ago and it's been there ever since.  My Dad really wanted us to continue to use the camp after he died and we will.  My brother will also go up here and there too, but, not as often as we will since he's so busy with the kids and Casey and I don't have any kids, so, we can get away more often. I've got some pics of the bus below my nail pics.  I love it up there, it's so beautiful and so relaxing and peaceful.  I can't wait to go up next :) I will post some other pics from up there in my next post, wanted to just have this one be the bus in this post.

For my nails I did for the holiday weekend I used a base of OPI "Alpine Snow" then used Essie "Double Breasted Jacket" and Sinful Colors "Endless Blue" for the smooshed nails with one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow (linear & scattered)" on top of those.  The blue glitter is Pretty Woman "Royal Blue", the red glitter is LA Girl Splatter "Sparkle" and one coat of Color Club "Concrete Jungle" on my thumb, then I used a few nail stripers to do the glitter.  I love the way these turned out and smoosh manis are just too much fun to do and they always come out so pretty also I think :)  I did these smooshed nails by putting drops of polish on the nail, then put a piece of a cut up sandwich baggie on top of the drops of polish and pushed down and smooshed the polish around.  Hope you like them :)

Here is the bus, some pics of the outside and inside, it's awesome.  It's got 4 of the original bus bench seats still in it too, how cool is that!

The Outhouse, fancy, I know :) 
Isn't it so freaking cool?  I love the bus, always have.  So many of my fondest memories I have of Dad are the times he took me camping up there at the bus, so many good memories.  Can't wait to go again soon :)

That's it for today, it's been really, really hot and humid here the last couple of weeks with no end in sight and my neck and back's been bothering me too, so, just going to take it easy tonight and cuddle with the kitties.  It's weird how this extreme heat is just as bad for my old fart aches and pains as the really brutal Winter weather is too.

I leave you today with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty, two cute balls of love :) Talk to you soon, have a great rest of the night!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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