Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day Cookout

Happy Monday loves. 

Happy Labor Day! I have off today and am taking it easy. Saturday my niece got married and yesterday we had a family reunion with Casey's family so I had two very busy long days and I am tired. I am looking forward to just hanging out today and taking it easy. 

My nails are some really cute cookout nails. I love these and think they turned out so cute.

My bases are K.B Shimmer Cruise Control (blue) and J. Reine Reef Queen (red). I stamped using Maniology M318 with different stamping polishes. 

Here is my niece Megan and her new hubby Darren (stole this pic from another person who was there).
The couple dancing ❤
My brother Dave dancing with Megan.
My brother and sister in law Sue ❤
The newlyweds ❤
It was a really nice wedding and we had a great time.

That's it for today. Have a great day. Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?