Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall Fan Brush

Happy Sunday Loves,

I just have a quick post today. I'm super tired today. Yesterday we were at a flea market and chicken BBQ all day selling stuff of Dad's.  We did pretty well getting rid of more "junk" of his. It was a long day though!

Today I have some more Fall nails. I decided on a Fall fan brush since I haven't done any fan brush nails in a long time, so here you go! I love these and think they turned out super pretty. Hope you like them too!

The red base is OPI "5 Apples Tall" and the yellow is OPI "I Just Can't Cope-acabana". I did the fan brushed nails with a fan brush using China Glaze "Give Me S'more" and OPI "Aloha From OPI". I then put a coat of BaronessX "Topacio" on all nails to finish.


5 Apples Tall (red) and I Just Can't Cope-acabana" (yellow) on their own.
Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with all the cats and the one rabbit outside living life one day this past Summer. We are down to only one bunny though now. We lost the old boy bunny back in early August and the one old girl about two weeks ago or so. They were pretty old. We are hoping the last girl is with us for a while yet but she is pretty old too so who knows how much time she has, but she is really healthy so we shall see.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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