Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oh Em Golly

I started a blog.  Hi, my name is Melody (Melly). My husband, Matt, has been encouraging me to start a blog for a while now and now, here I am.  This blog will be about life, nail polish, cats, family, friends, horses, art and so much more, pretty much anything I feel like writing about.

Keeping this first one short and sweet, want to work on the blog more, but, first, Melly's gotta get some sleep to get this darn zombie plague out of me that I've been battling the last five days, dang walking dead.

Happy Sunday to all and thanks for stopping by, here's a dotticure mani I did a while back, I love it.
My next post will be about how I care for my hands and nails. This blog will be fun for me and I hope for you too :)

Bubbles & Glitter to you all,



  1. I am so glad you started blogging. Good for you I read both entries and I am looking forward to more! oxox o

  2. Awwww.....thanks Megan, that makes me happy that you will read it, yay :)
