Thursday, April 30, 2015

Purple Sparkly Nails

Happy Thursday Friends, 

Can't believe it's Thursday already.  This week went really fast.  I am having a Crazy Hat Kentucky Derby potluck on Saturday for the race and really looking forward to hanging out with friends and just having fun after the crazy that my personal life has been the last month. 

I have many nails to show you in the next few days.  I am determined to get caught up with my blog posts by the end of this weekend.  Tonight I am going to show you a mani I did last week.  I do have a gradient mani to post too that I did do a little tutorial on.  Hoping to get that one posted tomorrow night.  Right now I am watching one of my all time favorite movies ever on TV, The Lost Boys, the vampire movie from the 1980's, back when vampires were still bad ass and not sparkly, LOL.

Anyways, on to the nails.  I used a base of Orly Bonder, two coats of Fresh Paints "Glastonberry" and one coat of Polish Me Silly "Freckles" on my thumb and ring finger accent nails, then I did one coat of one of my Melly Mixes that I made mixing different polishes together to get a fun sparkly top coat. Then I finished them off with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry Top Coat.  The first pics are the truer to color pics taken in a more yellowish light and the bottoms ones were taken in the bright light of my kitchen.  I love this simple, yet sparkly and pretty mani.  Glitter, it just makes me happy, yay.

                                                        Polishes Used:
Orly Bonder, Fresh Paints "Glastonberry", Polish Me Silly "Freckles", Melly Mix, Seche Vite Quick Dry
 I forgot to take a pic of Glastonberry on it's own, boo, it's a really pretty purple and I love these orchid shades so much.  Will use it again and get a pic of it on it's own then. 

I am working on getting back into regularly posting again now that life has settled down and some form of normalcy has come back in my life.  I have had a lot of changes and things to accept and move on from which I may get into one day on my blog, but, don't want to right now.

I leave you with my fur babies, Buster and Miss Betty.  I love my fur kids so much, they really have been and continue to be my furry little rocks during this weird and transitional time in my life.  A life without kitties in it is not a life I ever want. 
I'll talk to you all tomorrow night and I look forward to posting more regularly again for sure.

Polish, Purrs & Peace,


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!!

Hi Friends, 

Long time, no post, sniffle, sniffle.  Those of you that know me know that about a month ago my life went into turmoil.  Not going to get into it on here, but, my life changed in the blink of an eye and I am going thru some awful stuff, but, I will be okay, that I know.

In the mess that is life now, I didn't have the heart to blog about my nails, but, I did still take pics of a few of my nails I did except for my Walking Dead season finale nails.  I thought that I did take pics of them, but, never did.  I will recreate them tho' come Fall and the Season premiere then.  

I didn't take any bottle shots, just a few nail shots, so, I shall spam you all with them now and it's now time again to show my blog some regular love again, so, here you go, a few manis from the last several weeks. I did do some other manis too that I didn't take pics of.  Life has been really just ugh, but, I can only move forward and on now.

 This past Sunday was my birthday and I went to my parents to spend the day and got to visit my horse too.  That was nice to see him with all this going on and of course I have cat pics too.  In the stress I've had these cats have really been my furry little rocks, that is for sure.  I am very lucky that I have such good family and friends that have been and are here for me thru this time. If you pray, I ask that you pray for me and I thank you for that. 

I will get back to regular blogging this week and into next with more nail art and glittery goodness.  I missed blogging and it will help me with the changes that have come upon me. 

Talk to you all soon and it's good to be back, yay :) 

My horse, Dusty
My sister's horse, Dream
Baby Bear Betty cleaning
The Boys, Mr. Kitty, Buster & Dino
Princess Pebbles
 Polish, Purrs, Neighs & Peace,
