Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!!

Hi Friends, 

Long time, no post, sniffle, sniffle.  Those of you that know me know that about a month ago my life went into turmoil.  Not going to get into it on here, but, my life changed in the blink of an eye and I am going thru some awful stuff, but, I will be okay, that I know.

In the mess that is life now, I didn't have the heart to blog about my nails, but, I did still take pics of a few of my nails I did except for my Walking Dead season finale nails.  I thought that I did take pics of them, but, never did.  I will recreate them tho' come Fall and the Season premiere then.  

I didn't take any bottle shots, just a few nail shots, so, I shall spam you all with them now and it's now time again to show my blog some regular love again, so, here you go, a few manis from the last several weeks. I did do some other manis too that I didn't take pics of.  Life has been really just ugh, but, I can only move forward and on now.

 This past Sunday was my birthday and I went to my parents to spend the day and got to visit my horse too.  That was nice to see him with all this going on and of course I have cat pics too.  In the stress I've had these cats have really been my furry little rocks, that is for sure.  I am very lucky that I have such good family and friends that have been and are here for me thru this time. If you pray, I ask that you pray for me and I thank you for that. 

I will get back to regular blogging this week and into next with more nail art and glittery goodness.  I missed blogging and it will help me with the changes that have come upon me. 

Talk to you all soon and it's good to be back, yay :) 

My horse, Dusty
My sister's horse, Dream
Baby Bear Betty cleaning
The Boys, Mr. Kitty, Buster & Dino
Princess Pebbles
 Polish, Purrs, Neighs & Peace,


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