Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Blow Marble Nails

Happy Wednesday Loves!!!!!!

How are you?  Groovy, I hope! I am pretty good.  Been busy the last few weeks getting stuff and thangs ready for our Burning Man regional event that begins tomorrow, yay.  I am so ready to be there, I need to get away so bad, it's been a long Winter.  Casey and I also got a new tent for this burn that I am so excited to use.  It's sweet, it's big and it even has a closet in it, how exciting is that. If you don't know what Burning Man is, google it :)

A couple of weeks ago my nephew Jared and I went to our friend Mandy's horse riding lesson at another old friend's barn and it was really a lot of fun watching Mandy and hanging out at the barn and catching up.  We plan to go back again soon for another of Mandy's lessons and to also watch one of the barn's boarders work her horse which is a young American Saddlebred horse filly and since that's our breed of horse, we are excited for this and this horse is a pretty little thing too :)

After Mandy's lesson Jared and I stopped to get something to eat and I ate some soup and half a chicken wrap.  I drank not quite two vodka and pineapple juice drinks and was fine, then all of a sudden I started feeling not right and like I was going to pass out. I said to Jared that I wasn't feeling right and felt like I was going to pass out and then boom, down I went.  I hit my head hard on the floor, threw up after I came to, was so hot and sweaty and then by the time the ambulance got there I was shivering like crazy and just feeling miserable. They did a slew of all sorts of tests at the hospital which thankfully all were normal. They aren't sure why I may have passed out, said maybe I was dehydrated. I didn't think I was, but, who knows. Jared had called Casey, I wasn't dying, so Jared told him to stay home since he was with me. 

So, around 3:30 AM, I was released, Jared brought me home, I gave the kids treats and went to bed, woke up around 1:30 that afternoon then went to the couch and rested with Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and Dino the rest of the day.  I felt really tired and run down, my head hurt like a bitch, but, other than that I was feeling alright. Took it easy the rest of the night and weekend. I have no idea why this happened, but, let me tell you, it was scary and not fun. It definitely took a lot out of me

I am so thankful Jared was with me when it happened and was there for me all night and Casey when I got home. That was so weird going thru all that, I am so thankful all the tests came back normal, it just bugs me tho' that I don't know why this happened. Now, I just hope it doesn't happen again. That sure as shit wasn't the way I had planned on spending the end of such a good night, blah.

The nails I have today are two different manis that I tried using a straw and blowing blobs of polish around on the nail. This blow marble look was an idea a nail friend came up with on Facebook.  I love the look of the ones Blair did, but, mine so did not turn out the way her's did.  I love my index finger in the first two pics here, but the others just kind of blobbed together.  It's okay tho', next time I try, maybe they'll all come out similar to the index finger.  I still like the looks of these regardless. That's one of the beauties of nail art, you don't always know what you'll get.  Blair's original nails are at the bottom of this post.  I love her nails and her nail art always looks so awesome :)

For the first ones I did I did a base of China Glaze "Lime After Lime" and then I put some random blobs of polish on my marbled nails using China Glaze "Raindance the Night Away", China Glaze "I'll Pink To That" and OPI "A Grape Fit", then took a straw and blew the polish around on the nail. I then put one coat of Indigo Bananas "Rainbow All The Things" on my thumb and pinky nails and a coat of L.A Girls "Feisty" glitter on my middle nail.  I totally smudged my glitter nail too. I love Lime After Lime also, it's a gorgeous and super bright color, so pretty.

Lime After Lime on it's own. Isn't this such a bright and pretty color? 
Then, I did a second one hoping to get all the nails like my pointer on my left hand, but, not so much.  Oh well, I still do dig this look and will try this again one day soon and hopefully get better at it :)  I used a base of China Glaze "I'll Pink To That", then did the blow marble using OPI "A Grape Fit", OPI "Planks A Lot" and Color Club "Diggin' the Dancing Queen", then I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on the marbled nails and one coat of a Melly Mix on my pinky and thumb with the pointer glitter accent Finger Paints "Color Me Abstract".

I'll Pink To That, such a pretty pink, I love this polish. 
Here's Blair's nails, see how much cooler her's looks than mine did.  But, no worries, I will be trying this again for sure and trying different ways of blowing and/or putting the polish blobs on the nail and go from there. Aren't her nails gorgeous :)

Here is my friend Mandy at her riding lesson.  I forget the horse's name tho'.

The barn owner, Caitlyn's, two solid black barn kittes.  I was so in love with these two, they were totally all black cat and so friendly and sweet :)

And, of course here's a couple of our cats :) Dino, Mr. Kitty and Gypsy all playing "box" :) Aren't they cute :)

That's it for today.  I'll post again once I get back from PDF.  Have a great Memorial Day if you celebrate. Talk soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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