Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday Mani Spam

It's Monday!

My Monday started off yucky, on the way to work this morning I got rear ended in my car, am not hurt, body just got jarred good and I am sore and achy and will be for a few days, but, am otherwise okay.  I was able to drive my car to the garage and hopefully it will be fixed by the end of the week.  The car that hit me had way more damage.  I got hit pretty hard.  My car is a big old beast and I was lucky that it wasn't damaged worse than it was. But, no one was hurt in either car and that is what is important, but, not the way I wanted to start my week, blah! 

Relaxing and taking it easy the rest of the night since I am so sore and ouchy, was going to do my nails, not going to now with being hurty, so, you get some Monday Mani Spam today.  These were nails I did in the last week. 
At Vase Value on it's own.
 I used a base of China Glaze "At Vase Value" with an accent of Funky Fingers "Broken Sea Glass" as my accents and Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Tulle Kit" on the rest.  I love this glitter, I couldn't stop looking at it when I wore it, it is so pretty and does look like sea glass, so pretty.
Risky Behavior on it's own.

 I used a base of Orly "Risky Behavior" with accents of KB Shimmer "Precious Petals" on my accents and Melly Mix sparkle top coat (a polish I made mixing different sparkle top coats together) on the rest.  I love this glitter too, it's really pretty.  Glitter just makes me so happy!

On The Edge on it's own.

I used a base of Orly "On The Edge" with accents of Zoya "Dream" and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Tender Teal" on the rest. 

Be Daring on it's own.
I used a base here of Orly "Be Daring" and used Orly "Thrill Seeker" and Orly "Push The Limit" with a fan brush on my accents, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my accents and a coat of Indigo Bananas "Rainbow All The Things" on the rest. Fan brush nails are fun to do, I just wish I could get my lines a bit better, oh well, I dig them anyways.  

That is it for Monday Mani Spam.  I did also do a dotticure last week, will show that tomorrow night.

Here's pics of my car and the car that hit me. You can tell how hard I got hit by the damage from the other car.  Just what I did not need with life being nutty lately, ugh.  
My car.  It could have been way worse.
The car that hit me.
That's it for today.  I am finally caught up with my nails that I needed to post except for my dotticure mani.  Have a great rest of the night.  I will be watching Bates Motel season finale at 9 and can't wait.  I love Bates Motel.  It's pretty good, it's a young Norman Bates, but, set in the present day.  If you liked the original Psycho movies, you should watch this, it's pretty good.

I leave you with my Baby Bear Betty kitty napping over the weekend.  She's my baby girl, I love this little cat so much :)  She is so cute! Talk to you all tomorrow. 

Polish & Purrs, 


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gradient Nails & How I Did Them!

Happy Hump Day, 

It's the middle of the week already, this week is going fast too.  In two weeks I leave for our Burning Man regional event and I can not wait, but, have so much to do yet in these next two weeks to get ready, but, it's so worth it.  I can't wait to see all my weirdo burner friends and camp in a field in the middle of Delaware, yay, or as I call it, the Desert of Delaware since Burning Man is in the desert of Nevada :) 

The mani I have today is called a gradient where you use a few colors painted onto a wedge makeup sponge then sponge onto your nails.  I will explain how I did them as I go with the pictures.

I used one coat of Orly Bonder as my base coat, then two coats of China Glaze "Feel The Breeze" on all nails, then took my wedge sponge and painted three stripes of each color onto the sponge, then put that on my nail. Continue to paint and sponge until you are satisfied with the colors on the nails.  I go from one side to the other to sponge the color onto the nail.  I repeated this on each of my accent nails using the same sponge for all four nails.  I used Zoya "Yummy", OPI " A Grape Fit" and OPI "Pink Flamenco" for the gradient, then put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on all nails, then finished them all with a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry Top Coat. 

 For prepping the nails to be sponged I used Proclaim Hair Glue from Sally Beauty Supply and painted that all around my nails, makes clean up so much easier than using lip chap, when you are done, you simply peel the latex glue off and then are left with minimal clean up.  Lots of people are now using this for manis that create a lot of mess on the skin around the nails.  I love it, so much easier this way. Here's what it looks like when it's painted on. The glue comes in white and black, but, get the black cuz' the white dries clear and is harder to see.

The Proclaim hair glue and some lotion stuff I got at the Dollar Store to clean the brush off that I use to paint the glue on around my nails.
The brush I use and the hair glue I put on a bit of paper.  You don't need much, a little bit squirted out will do all four of my accents shown here.
The sponge with my three colors sponged on. I get two different manis out of each sponge.  I just cut the painted part off when I am done and still have enough sponge left to do one more mani which I like so I am not using one sponge for just one mani and wasting.  I get my sponges in the big packs at the dollar store for really cheap.
This is after I was done sponging, see how it is not on your skin at all this way, so much easier.
My nails after pulling the glue off.  I then used my clean up brush and acetone to clean up around the nail, see, so much less mess.  I love using the hair glue.
                                                                   Polishes Used:
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", Zoya "Yummy", OPI "Pink Flamenco", OPI "A Grape Fit", China Glaze "Fairy Dust", Seche Vite Quick Dry

Feel The Breeze on it's own.
And, that is my little gradient tutorial.  This was only the second time I have ever done them on my nails and I am very happy with how they came out.  I have practiced on nail wheels before to get the hang of it. I really loved these nails a lot and will most definitely be doing more gradients, I love them.

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon.  I leave you with my girls, Miss Betty and Princess Pebbles, they are my girls.  I love them lots :) 

Polish & Purrs,


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Caturday Nail Spam & Cats Too!!

Happy Caturday!

Hope you are all having a good weekend!  I am having friends over for a Kentucky Derby Potluck and then when the Derby is over we will be rockin' out to cassette tapes, yes, you read that right, CASSETTE TAPES!!!  We don't need no stinking DJ's, we have tapes :)  For our Burning Man regional event, myself and our campmates have a little boom box that we play old cassette tapes on and it's just entirely too much fun playing old cassette tapes, we love it :)  Can't wait to hang out and have friends over later today :)

Anyways, today you get lots of nail spam from the last month or so of nails that I did, but, never posted due to life going nutty, so, here goes, NAILS, NAILS and even more NAILS, yay!

 I used colors from the China Glaze Electric Nights collection for this mani.  The base is Plur-ple and on it's own, it's such a pretty and bright purple.  I love it, not sure what all the other ones I used to sponge. I never wrote the polishes down, but, I loved this one, it was fun. 

I used a base here of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "King of Shadows" with an accent of China Glaze "Pick Me Up Purple" for my accents. 

I used a base of OPI "Where Did Suzi's Man-Go?" for this one and LA Girl Color Pop "Neon Circus" for my accents and Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" on the rest.  I love the neon glitters and love these types of orangey-peach shades so much.

These I used a base of China Glaze "DJ Blue My Mind" and China Glaze "Can I Get An Untz Untz" from the Electric Nights collection.

I used a base here of China Glaze "Glow With The Flow" from the Electric Nights collection and other colors from that collection for my sponged accents.  No idea what sparkly top coat I used tho'.

 These were my Walking Dead Season Finale nails.  I didn't think I ever took pics of them, but, turns out I did and I found them when I was getting ready to do this spam post.  I loved these bloody grungy nails, they were fun for the finale.  So glad I did get pics of these after all, yay, so, no need to recreate them for Fall and the Season Premiere, I'll get to do something new for then, yay :) 

That's my nail spam for you all today.  Have a great rest of Caturday and I'll talk to you all tomorrow when I post my gradient nails tutorial I did.  I leave you with cat pics of course for Caturday. 
Buster and Betty
Mr, Kitty
Mr. Kitty, Buster, Dino

Little Shit
 This is the whole crew of my fur kids, yay :) 

Polish & Purrs,
