Saturday, May 2, 2015

Caturday Nail Spam & Cats Too!!

Happy Caturday!

Hope you are all having a good weekend!  I am having friends over for a Kentucky Derby Potluck and then when the Derby is over we will be rockin' out to cassette tapes, yes, you read that right, CASSETTE TAPES!!!  We don't need no stinking DJ's, we have tapes :)  For our Burning Man regional event, myself and our campmates have a little boom box that we play old cassette tapes on and it's just entirely too much fun playing old cassette tapes, we love it :)  Can't wait to hang out and have friends over later today :)

Anyways, today you get lots of nail spam from the last month or so of nails that I did, but, never posted due to life going nutty, so, here goes, NAILS, NAILS and even more NAILS, yay!

 I used colors from the China Glaze Electric Nights collection for this mani.  The base is Plur-ple and on it's own, it's such a pretty and bright purple.  I love it, not sure what all the other ones I used to sponge. I never wrote the polishes down, but, I loved this one, it was fun. 

I used a base here of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "King of Shadows" with an accent of China Glaze "Pick Me Up Purple" for my accents. 

I used a base of OPI "Where Did Suzi's Man-Go?" for this one and LA Girl Color Pop "Neon Circus" for my accents and Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" on the rest.  I love the neon glitters and love these types of orangey-peach shades so much.

These I used a base of China Glaze "DJ Blue My Mind" and China Glaze "Can I Get An Untz Untz" from the Electric Nights collection.

I used a base here of China Glaze "Glow With The Flow" from the Electric Nights collection and other colors from that collection for my sponged accents.  No idea what sparkly top coat I used tho'.

 These were my Walking Dead Season Finale nails.  I didn't think I ever took pics of them, but, turns out I did and I found them when I was getting ready to do this spam post.  I loved these bloody grungy nails, they were fun for the finale.  So glad I did get pics of these after all, yay, so, no need to recreate them for Fall and the Season Premiere, I'll get to do something new for then, yay :) 

That's my nail spam for you all today.  Have a great rest of Caturday and I'll talk to you all tomorrow when I post my gradient nails tutorial I did.  I leave you with cat pics of course for Caturday. 
Buster and Betty
Mr, Kitty
Mr. Kitty, Buster, Dino

Little Shit
 This is the whole crew of my fur kids, yay :) 

Polish & Purrs,


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