Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday Mani Spam

It's Monday!

My Monday started off yucky, on the way to work this morning I got rear ended in my car, am not hurt, body just got jarred good and I am sore and achy and will be for a few days, but, am otherwise okay.  I was able to drive my car to the garage and hopefully it will be fixed by the end of the week.  The car that hit me had way more damage.  I got hit pretty hard.  My car is a big old beast and I was lucky that it wasn't damaged worse than it was. But, no one was hurt in either car and that is what is important, but, not the way I wanted to start my week, blah! 

Relaxing and taking it easy the rest of the night since I am so sore and ouchy, was going to do my nails, not going to now with being hurty, so, you get some Monday Mani Spam today.  These were nails I did in the last week. 
At Vase Value on it's own.
 I used a base of China Glaze "At Vase Value" with an accent of Funky Fingers "Broken Sea Glass" as my accents and Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Tulle Kit" on the rest.  I love this glitter, I couldn't stop looking at it when I wore it, it is so pretty and does look like sea glass, so pretty.
Risky Behavior on it's own.

 I used a base of Orly "Risky Behavior" with accents of KB Shimmer "Precious Petals" on my accents and Melly Mix sparkle top coat (a polish I made mixing different sparkle top coats together) on the rest.  I love this glitter too, it's really pretty.  Glitter just makes me so happy!

On The Edge on it's own.

I used a base of Orly "On The Edge" with accents of Zoya "Dream" and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Tender Teal" on the rest. 

Be Daring on it's own.
I used a base here of Orly "Be Daring" and used Orly "Thrill Seeker" and Orly "Push The Limit" with a fan brush on my accents, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my accents and a coat of Indigo Bananas "Rainbow All The Things" on the rest. Fan brush nails are fun to do, I just wish I could get my lines a bit better, oh well, I dig them anyways.  

That is it for Monday Mani Spam.  I did also do a dotticure last week, will show that tomorrow night.

Here's pics of my car and the car that hit me. You can tell how hard I got hit by the damage from the other car.  Just what I did not need with life being nutty lately, ugh.  
My car.  It could have been way worse.
The car that hit me.
That's it for today.  I am finally caught up with my nails that I needed to post except for my dotticure mani.  Have a great rest of the night.  I will be watching Bates Motel season finale at 9 and can't wait.  I love Bates Motel.  It's pretty good, it's a young Norman Bates, but, set in the present day.  If you liked the original Psycho movies, you should watch this, it's pretty good.

I leave you with my Baby Bear Betty kitty napping over the weekend.  She's my baby girl, I love this little cat so much :)  She is so cute! Talk to you all tomorrow. 

Polish & Purrs, 


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