Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Happy Little Snowmen

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hello my friends.  I hope you are well and life is treating you well!  I've been okay, been busy taking Mom to follow up appointments for her ankle and helping her in other ways, taking care of the cats and that's been about it.  Not much new around here other than that. We did go to hang out at friends this past Saturday night and that was a ton of fun :)

Today's nails are some super cute little snowmen dudes I did last week.  I love them :)

My base here is Essie "On Your Mistletoes".  I then used nail stripers, nail art brushes and a couple different polishes to draw the snowmen.  I then put one coat of Maybelline "Crystal Disguise" on my pinkies and index nails and one coat of Funky Fingers "Winter Is Coming" on my thumbs to finish.

On Your Mistletoes by itself.  This is a really pretty blue, I dig it!
Have a great rest of the night.  I'll talk to you soon.

Here's a really good feel good for today:

"You can be anything you really want to be."

Love this one!  I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino snuggling, they are so cute when the cuddle together, it makes my heart so happy :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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