Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Gold, The Gold....It's All Mine!!!!

Happy Saint Paddy's Day my friends,

It's the day of green. I hope that today finds you healthy and safe in these crazy uncertain times we find ourselves in currently. It's really scary seeing how this pandemic is playing out. Here in our state the government has asked all non-essential businesses to close for the next 14 days. My work is still open as we are considered life safety being fire and security company and our customers need us now more than ever to make sure that their fire, security and camera systems are working as they should. I've been taking the extra measures to keep myself, Casey and my Mom safe. I've been doing all her grocery shopping for her as I do not want her being possibly exposed to the virus at 77 years old or some crazy person running into her with a shopping buggy and knocking her down. I'm taking no chances with her with that so between myself and my sister she will have her groceries that she needs until things settle down and get under control with this. It's really scary and I've been trying to keep myself educated on all that I can on this. I've got the cats and bunny stocked up on food, medicine and litter. So, if we are put under a temporary stay at home quarantine we will be okay. It's just crazy how just like that our world changed so fast!

Please take the guidelines they are advising us to do seriously and please do your part to help lessen the spread of this. We all need to do this together.

Well, enough of that, onto my nails. I did some leprechauns, gold and rainbows again for this year's St. Paddy's Day edition. I love these, they are cute and happy little nails I think. I hope you like them too and that it takes your mind off of the virus for a little bit.

My base is Color Club "We Liming". I did the leprechaun,  gold and rainbows with many polishes I was too lazy to keep track of. On my pinkies and thumbs is a coat of China Glaze "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Starfish" to finish.

We Liming on it's own, love this shade of green! 
That's it for today. PLEASE be safe and stay healthy my friends. Talk to you this weekend when I post my first nails for Spring, yay! I leave you with my view on the couch from this past weekend. I love my life with my babies :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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