Thursday, October 13, 2022

Happy Halloween Month, Where I've Been (Or Not)!!!

Hello my loves, 

Long time, no talkie!!! I hope you are well and doing good. It's been a hot minute since I have posted on here, Labor Day was the last time. Later that week on Wednesday evening my heart and soul kitty, Miss Betty, had a seizure type event due to Feline Hyperesthesia. This is when they have over sensitive skin due to allergies usually. We have been dealing with fleas this year and hers was being triggered by flea allergy dermatitis from flea bites and super itchy skin. As I was trying to calm her down she chomped down on my thumb and held on until her seizure was over. It was a deep puncture on the side nail bed. I went to Urgent Care, was put on oral antibiotics for a week. It was not getting any better so went back and they told me to go the the Emergency Room. I did, they cut the thumb open, removed a moderate amount of infection and kept me there for two days on IV antibiotics. I was sent home with another round of oral antibiotics for another two weeks after which the thumb was still red, swollen and painful. I went for a follow up and was told I would have to have surgery that week to remove the infection that had gathered in the pad of my thumb called a "felon". 

The surgery was done last Wednesday, the doctor did get all the infection out. My thumb is doing so much better now. I just finished my last antibiotic yesterday morning. I have been on antibiotics for the last month and have been dealing with this for over a month now. I am now finally on the mend. Betty did get to the vet, she got a steroid shot and we switched her monthly flea preventative. She has not had an episode since then thankfully. I was so worried and stressed about my baby girl, maybe even more so than about my infected thumb. But, we are both doing good now!!!! 

So, needless to say I have not been able to do my nails very much. I did manage to paint them twice during this. It was extremely difficult but I had to paint them. I was starting to feel a certain way not having my nails painted, lol. I will post pics of the two times I did paint them along with some thumb pics at the end of this post. They are not too gross, however, just be forewarned if that kind of stuff makes you queasy. 

I have missed doing my nails and stamping so much this past month. I really did especially with my favorite season of Fall and Halloween month being here. It did have me slightly depressed here and there. 

Last night though I decided I was doing some Halloween nails, not stamping, don't think I can do that just yet so I went with these super cute decals I just got recently. I think these turned out so cute and am so happy to see something else on my nails again besides just polish :) I am hoping that in the next week or so once I get more feeling back in the pad of my thumb that I can do some simple stamping. We shall see but if not I do have a handful of nail sticker decals so I can use those until I am back to my beloved stamping. 

For my nails here, my bases are Pahlish Druskelle (shimmer) and Cupcake Polish Zoinks! (flakie). The stickers are glow in the dark from Maniology. 

Here are the manis I did during this last month. It was so hard to paint my nails but I am a professional non-professional and had very little clean up to do even with the bummed non-usable thumb.

Here is my thumb about 2 and half weeks after this all started. This was after being in the hospital and after another week and a half of antibiotics. It was still not getting better. I did not take pictures prior to this. I don't know why, I just did not. It was so sore, red and angry.

Here is my hand all wrapped right after the surgery. I had to keep this on for three days until I could remove it. I was in so much pain for several days and got so sick the night of the surgery from the anesthesia (which I do normally from it if I am put under for anything). See my nurse kitty Miss Betty by my side here. She has been with me constantly. 

This is when I first unwrapped it. It looks so pink and healthier again. It was a deep incision so the doc could get in and scrape all the infection out. 

Here it is not, this was yesterday I took this. It is well on it's way to healing nicely. That nail polish is one I had put on the day before I got bit so that on my thumb has been on for a month, still look pretty good all things considered! 

That is what has been going on with me the past month and the reason for my lack of nails. I should be back in my normal grind in the next few weeks I am hoping. Until then, take care of yourself and enjoy this wonderfully beautiful Fall we are having :) 

Talk soon (hopefull)! I leave you with my dear sweet little nurse kitty Miss Betty who has not left my side since the day I came home from the hospital. I think she feels so bad that she was the cause of this. She would never ever bite me on purpose. I can do anything to this cat without complaint. I am of course not even mad at her, she didn't mean to bite me and she loves her mommy and I love her more than anything in this world. She is my baby baby girl! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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