Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy Shark Week!

Happy Shark Week Loves,

Hope you are well, it's Monday and the start of Shark Week, yay!!!  Hope you all had a good weekend.  I had an okay one, had to deal with water in our basement from heavy rains on Friday and spent a good bit of Saturday cleaning up the basement, ugh.  Was going to go to my friend Mandy's horse show to watch her show, this unfortunately took priority, but, it is what it is and I'll hit her show next time. It did suck, I did want to go to the show.

I've also been battling with the worst freaking allergies this year too and the last 4 - 5 days have been brutal with them, I've felt like crap.  Maybe I'm allergic to cats, lol, I'm not, but, that was funny in my head saying that and with me being such a crazy cat lady too :)

So, Shark Week on Discovery channel began last night, so, in honor of Shark Week on TV, I decided to do some nail art with my first attempt ever at drawing sharks, they came out okay, but, next year I definitely need to work on making my shark noses more pointy.  I think the ones on my thumbs kinda look like snakes, oh well, I still love these :)

I did my base with China Glaze "Capacity To See Beyond" (my camera made my skin really red in these pics), then used some nail art brushes with some OPI grays for the sharks (not sure of names since they are mini bottles and don't have names on the bottles, grrr..), Orly "Sweet Tart" and a white nail striper to draw the sharks.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the sharks and a coat of NYC Shimmer Blast Sparkle Top Coat on my index and pinky and the glitter accent is Wet 'n Wild Shimmer Blast "Caught On Sapphire".

Capacity to See Beyond by itself, such a pretty blue this is. 
There you have my Shark Week sorta looks like shark nails :)  I'll be watching some shows here and there about sharks for sure this week :)

Have a great rest of Monday and I'll talk to you soon.  I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino on the couch together yesterday, aren't they adorable?  I love my fur babies so much, they make me so happy :) Happy Shark Week :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dots, Dots & Dots

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hope you are well.  I am doing good! It's summer here officially, today is the first full day of Summer, so, yay :) I love Summer so much! It's one of my favorite seasons for sure and Summers are always fun too!  This past weekend we went to a decompression event that one of our local camps has after PDF, our Burning Man regional event, it was pirate themed and it was so much fun, the weather was perfect and awesome people there so, it was a really fun weekend and it also kept my mind off of Father's Day and this being my first one without Dad was really sad, so, glad I had that this past weekend.  I did take pics that I need to upload and I'll post a few of them in the next post or so that I do on here.  I do have a few pics from PDF tho' at the end of this post.

My nails today are just a simple dotticure I did using some of my dotting tools.  I love doing dots, they are so easy and fun to do and you really can do a lot of different nail art things with them. Every polish-aholic should have a set :)

My base is China Glaze "About Layin' Out", with the dots done using a dotting tool and China Glaze "Sun Of A Peach", China Glaze "Flip Flop Fantasy" and China Glaze "Pool Party", then added a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the dots.  I did the glitter accent with Color Club "Orange Crush", then I put one coat of Color Club "Million Dollar Listing" on my pinky and thumb nails.

About Layin' Out by itself, I love this shade, it's a pretty reddish coral and perfect for Summertime.
Here's a few pics from Playa del Fuego or PDF as we call it for short.

Casey and me on burn night.
Our friend, Andre and me on burn night also. 

My best friend, Valerie, and her boyfriend, also one of my besties, Zach.
Valerie and I sharing a BFF "kiss" in this kissing booth art installation.  This was really cute :) 

That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the day/night and I'll chat at you soon :)  I leave you with your normal dose of kitties.  Here's Betty, Dino and Mr. Kitty in the first pic and Mr. Kitty and Betty in the other two.  Such spoiled kitties live here, I tell ya :)  But, I wouldn't have it any other way.  They are our babies thru and thru :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It's More Nails!

Happy Hump Day!!!

Hello friends, I hope you are all having a good week.  Mine is okay, uneventful, so okay :)  Not a whole bunch to say tonight since it's getting late, so, I have several manis I've done over the last few weeks. I hope you enjoy them.  I'll write more in a post tomorrow night or the weekend.  I do have two other manis saved to share also that I'll do soon, I promise :)  On to the nails!

My base here is Color Club "Diggin' the Dancing Queen", my glitter accent is Orly "Pixie Powder" and one coat of a Melly Mix on all the other nails.  I used some nail decals on these nails too.

Diggin' the Dancing Queen on it's own, I love this pretty summer pastel so much, it's pretty.

Here I did a base of OPI "A Grape Fit", then used OPI "I'm Gown For Anything", OPI "Planks A Lot" and China Glaze "Raindance the Night Away" and a nail art brush to create the little "v's" on those nails, then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of those.  I did the glitter accent with Spellbound Nails "Marie", then I put a coat of Athena & Aphrodite "Purple Dreams" on my pinky and thumb nails.

A Grape Fit on it's own, another really pretty purple.
For these nails I did a base of China Glaze "Pool Party" (this is a classic neon from China Glaze, it's been around for years, it's super bright and pretty), with glitter accents of China Glaze "Till The Beat Drops" and then I put a coat of an unnamed NYC sparkle top coat on the non-glitter nails. This mani screams Summer to me :)

Pool Party, it's bright and see what I mean about it screaming Summer :)

Here is a base of OPI "Planks A Lot", then I did some drops of Essie "French Affair", Essie "Nice Is Nice" and OPI "I'm Gown For Anything" on my pointer and middle nails and took a stamper and smooshed the polishes together on the nail to get this smooshed effect, then I put a few nail decals on them and a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust".  The glitter accent is Orly "Explosion of Fun" and then on my pinky and thumb I put one coat of K.B. Shimmer "Prism Break".  I love doing smooshy nails whether I use a stamper or a plastic baggie, they always come out so cool looking, definitely one of my favorite nail techniques to do :)

Planks A Lot by itself.

My base here is China Glaze "Raindance the Night Away", my glitter accent is Alchemy Laquers "CuCl2", the nail decals I did put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of, then one coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Crystal Beading" on the other nails.  These make me want to be at the beach listening to the waves crash, so peaceful.

Raindance the Night Away alone, another pretty polish.

For these I used a base of OPI "My Pal Joey", then I used eyeshadow applicators and sponged the polish on to create the gradient effect on my ring and middle fingers with Essie "Nice Is Nice", Essie "French Affair" and Orly "Put the Top Down", then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of those. I put a coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Blue Frosting" on my index and pinky nails and the glitter accent on my thumb is Pretty & Polished "Chemo Grad".  I used one applicator for each color, put some polish on a paper plate, then dipped app. into the polish, then sponged it onto my nails.  I love this gradient look, I think it turned out really pretty.

My Pal Joey, this is a wonderful blue, so pretty and bright too. it's almost electric. 

That's it for tonight.  Have a great rest of the night and I'll chat at you soon, soon :)

Here's Miss Betty and Buster looking cute, these two are buds.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, June 4, 2016

It's Cats on Caturday!!!

It's Caturday Friends!!!

Happy Caturday all.  Hope you all had a great week and Memorial Day holiday if you celebrate. Casey and I were at our Burning Man regional last weekend and we got home on Monday.  It was a good weekend, but, boy, was it hot!!!  During the day we pretty much stayed at camp under our camp's shade structures and didn't do much.  It was just too hot during the day.  The nights were nice tho' and we did go out and about to other camps and hung out at night.  It was fun and I am ready for our Fall event now :)  It's just such a wonderful community with some pretty amazing people and it's home sweet home when we get there.  I'll post some pics from our event, Playa del Fuego or PDF for short tomorrow when I get another post up :)

So, I want to start doing cat nails once a week and post them on Saturdays for a cats and Caturday theme and today I have the first in this series that I want to do.  I do have a lot of cat themed stamping plates and decals so I should be able to do this for quite a while :) Hope you enjoy it as much as I will enjoy doing my cat nails and cat nail posts on this blog.

I used OPI "My Dogsled Is A Hybrid" for my base here, then I stamped using Konad black stamping polish and MoYou Kitty 15 plate (they just came out with this plate and I just got it and love it, it's all kitties :) ), then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on the stamped nails and one coat of Athena & Aphrodite "Teal Dreams" on my pinkies and my glitter accent was Funky Fingers "Rollin' With My Homies".  I love this stamping plate and see myself using this one often and the images pick up nicely too.  MoYou does have a reputation for putting out really nice plates that work well. Here you go :)


My Dogsled Is A Hybrid on it's own.  This is such a pretty color, has been one of my faves since it came out ;)
There you have my first Caturday Cat Series nails, yay :)  Have a great rest of the night.  I'm going to get another post up tomorrow.  Was busy doing stuff today and am getting tired now.  I am so old, lol :)  Well, and still recovering from last weekend.

I'll leave you with Princess Pebbles looking cute here :)
Talk soon loves!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?