Sunday, February 12, 2017

Happy Dead Day Walkers

Happy Dead Day, YAY :)

It's Walking Dead Day, yay, yay, yay :)  I am so ready for tonight and The Walking Dead to be back, yay, all the yay!!!

For my nails for tonight I did some super cute zombies that I'd been wanting to try for awhile now and I am so in love with how they came out.  They are the cutest walkers ever :)

My base was China Glaze "Kalahari Kiss".  I sponged some grimy colors on the zombie nails first then used a slew of polishes and nail art brushes and dotting tools to draw the zombies.  The glitter on my pinky and thumb is Candy Laquer "Gingerbread Girl".  LOVE these so much and hope you do too :)

Kalahari Kiss on it's own.  This was the perfect base to use for zombies I think :) 
That's it for today.  Enjoy the rest of your day and Happy Dead Day!!!

I leave you with Dino making zombie kitty noises in this pic :)  Not really, he was yawning but he could so be making zombie noises in this :)

Talk soon loves!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Random Dots, Zig Zags & Lines

Happy Caturday Loves,

Hello my friends, hope you are well on this fine Caturday!  I am okay.  Later on today Casey and I are going to a Valentine's event at my Mom's church's social center.  We are going to be her date since Daddy is not here any longer.  I am making a pink cake with red frosting and pink sprinkles.  It will be nice to spend some time with Mom and it means a lot to her when we go to these events with her. I don't really care about V-day at all, but it's about spending time with Mom and I do love hearts and will have a couple of heart nails to show you on Tuesday,

It's also a very good weekend since tomorrow night The Walking Dead returns with it's mid-season premiere.  I am so excited, can't wait!!!  Going to be doing my Walking Dead nails later on today and already have the marathon on that's on all weekend too, yay :) I am such a loser, lol, but I LOVE me some Walking Dead in case you didn't know that by now :)

I also have a 3 day weekend this weekend, am off work on Monday just because, took a vacation day just for me, so looking forward to that for sure!

In other news I had to get a new computer this week.  My old ass one finally took a shit.  Last Sunday my screen went all yellow with lines running thru it, ugh.  But it's okay, that one was getting really old and I knew I was going to need a new one before long.  I got myself another little Acer notebook and been working on transferring stuff over to this new one and so far so good.  I liked my Acers in the past so decided to stick with an Acer again and it sure is nice having a new computer that doesn't act up and act out, lol :)

My base here was Essie "Lady Like". I used a dotting tool and nail art brush with Orly "Candy Shop" to create all the designs.  I put a coat of BaronessX "Rubi" on all nails to finish. I really like the way these turned out.  I love the randomness of them and these two colors together are really pretty I think :)

Lady Like on it's own.  This is a really pretty dusty shade, I dig it. 
That's it for today, enjoy the rest of your day.  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post my Walking Dead nails.

Your feel good for today is:

"Live the life you love and love the life you live."

LOVE this one, this really rings true with me.  I love my life and love living my life in the way I do. I am really blessed with the awesome life I live and hope you are too!

I bid you farewell till we chat again with Mr. Kitty.  Isn't he the cutest thing, I love how he has his eyes covered up here, too cute :)  He's such a good boy and I really am so happy he came into my life and I adopted him, he's such a good cat!

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Penguins on Parade

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Hello my loves, hope you are having a good weekend.  I am, got all my cleaning done yesterday, today I am going to go thru some stuff to get rid of/purge, hang out with Casey and the kitties, watch some of The Walking Dead marathon that's on AMC today, watch some of The Puppy Bowl/Kitten Half Time show on Animal Planet and just chill all day.  I don't watch nor care about football at all so no Super Bowl for me, but gotta watch that Puppy Bowl/Kitten Half Time, because, well, puppies and kittens :)  Next Sunday night is the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead and I cannot wait, so ready to have my Walking Dead back on Sunday nights :) Gotta start thinking of my nails for next week too now, yay for zombie nails!!

Today my nails are some super cute penguins I did Friday night that I decided to do a neon base and with some neon glitter because penguins and neon are fun :) Hope you like them as much as I do. They came out so cute I think, I love them :) I love penguins, think they are such cute stinkin' animals and if I could have a penguin as a pet I so would, they are too cute especially the fuzzy baby penguins :)

My base is Fresh Paint "Guava".  I drew the penguins using nail art brushes and dotting tools for the eyes and different polishes I was too lazy to write down, lol.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the penguins.  The glitter accent is Wicked Polish "Hung Over the Rainbow".

Guava on it's own.  This is way more neon than my camera picked up. 
That's it for my penguins on parade nails.  Have a great rest of the day.

Your feel good for today is:

"Find the blessing in everything."

I love this one!!!

I leave you today with Dino talking to me one day.  He's a cutie, this one is and he's such a good cat too, he's my buddy. Talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day Loves,

Today is an unofficial special "holiday" in the eyes of a lot of people.  Today is Groundhog Day, the day where in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania they see if a groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, will see his shadow or not.  Folklore says if he sees his shadow we have six more weeks of Winter and if he doesn't see his shadow then an early Spring is to be expected.  It's in PA around three hours away from me to the west and I've never gone, maybe one year I'll brave it and go in person to see this damn madness surrounding this rodent :) Well, and today, he did see his shadow, so, six more weeks of Winter, blah!!!!!!  It's funny tho' cuz' no matter whether he sees his shadow or not, there's always 6 weeks of Winter left till the first official day of Spring in March.  That aside, I think this is a silly fun tradition and I myself enjoy Groundhog Day, it's fun and doing these nails for it was super fun and I am so stinking happy and proud of how they came out :)

Here's some fun facts I copied from the official Groundhog Day website about him and this day:
Some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the holiday:
  • Yes! Punxsutawney Phil is the only true weather forecasting groundhog. The others are just impostors.
  • How often is Phil's prediction correct? 100% of the time, of course!
  • How many "Phils" have there been over the years? There has only been one Punxsutawney Phil. He has been making predictions for over 131 years!
  • Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking the "elixir of life," a secret recipe. Phil takes one sip every summer at the Groundhog Picnic and it magically gives him seven more years of life.
  • On February 2, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob - in front of thousands of followers from all over the world - to predict the weather for the rest of winter.
  • According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
  • No! Phil's forecasts are not made in advance by the Inner Circle. After Phil emerges from his burrow on February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club president in "Groundhogese"(a language only understood by the current president of the Inner Circle). His proclamation is then translated for the world.
  • The celebration of Groundhog Day began with Pennsylvania's earliest settlers. They brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day, which states, "For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, so far will the snow swirl in May..."
  • Punxsutawney held its first Groundhog Day in the 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob was made on February 2, 1887.
  • So the story goes, Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was called Br'er Groundhog.
Here's a few pics of Phil and the old farts that hold Phil and see if he does see his shadow or not (found these pics randomly on the interwebs) Phil is such a fat little thing too!!!

This is they put him to see if he sees his shadow I think. 
You can learn more here about the history of Groundhog Day if you would like

On to the nails now :) My base I used was Loreal "Royally Yours".  I painted the groundhogs, clouds, grass and sun using different polishes I didn't write down with nail art brushes and dotting tools.  I put a coat, of course, of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of those nails.  Then I put a coat of Ozotic "907 Beam" on my pinky and thumb to finish.

Royally Yours on it's own.  This formula was very nice for such a light pastel.  I was pleasantly surprised. 
There you have my groundhog nails. I am so tickled with the way these came out and so happy with them :)  Yay for rodents, lol :) 

Your feel good for today is: 

"Give this world good energy."

This one is really important especially in the crazy world we live in today. 

That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the day and I'll talk to you all soon and oh yay, 6 more weeks of Winter!!!!  Damn rodent :) 

I leave you with most of the crew here, Mr. Kitty, Miss Betty, Princess Pebbles and Dino :) I love when I get pics of them together like this, it's cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?