Saturday, February 11, 2017

Random Dots, Zig Zags & Lines

Happy Caturday Loves,

Hello my friends, hope you are well on this fine Caturday!  I am okay.  Later on today Casey and I are going to a Valentine's event at my Mom's church's social center.  We are going to be her date since Daddy is not here any longer.  I am making a pink cake with red frosting and pink sprinkles.  It will be nice to spend some time with Mom and it means a lot to her when we go to these events with her. I don't really care about V-day at all, but it's about spending time with Mom and I do love hearts and will have a couple of heart nails to show you on Tuesday,

It's also a very good weekend since tomorrow night The Walking Dead returns with it's mid-season premiere.  I am so excited, can't wait!!!  Going to be doing my Walking Dead nails later on today and already have the marathon on that's on all weekend too, yay :) I am such a loser, lol, but I LOVE me some Walking Dead in case you didn't know that by now :)

I also have a 3 day weekend this weekend, am off work on Monday just because, took a vacation day just for me, so looking forward to that for sure!

In other news I had to get a new computer this week.  My old ass one finally took a shit.  Last Sunday my screen went all yellow with lines running thru it, ugh.  But it's okay, that one was getting really old and I knew I was going to need a new one before long.  I got myself another little Acer notebook and been working on transferring stuff over to this new one and so far so good.  I liked my Acers in the past so decided to stick with an Acer again and it sure is nice having a new computer that doesn't act up and act out, lol :)

My base here was Essie "Lady Like". I used a dotting tool and nail art brush with Orly "Candy Shop" to create all the designs.  I put a coat of BaronessX "Rubi" on all nails to finish. I really like the way these turned out.  I love the randomness of them and these two colors together are really pretty I think :)

Lady Like on it's own.  This is a really pretty dusty shade, I dig it. 
That's it for today, enjoy the rest of your day.  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post my Walking Dead nails.

Your feel good for today is:

"Live the life you love and love the life you live."

LOVE this one, this really rings true with me.  I love my life and love living my life in the way I do. I am really blessed with the awesome life I live and hope you are too!

I bid you farewell till we chat again with Mr. Kitty.  Isn't he the cutest thing, I love how he has his eyes covered up here, too cute :)  He's such a good boy and I really am so happy he came into my life and I adopted him, he's such a good cat!

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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