Sunday, December 31, 2017

Breaking Bad 10 Year Anniversary

Happy New Year's Eve My Loves,

Happy last day of the year friends.  So, we are at another close of another year. I hope that this past year was good for you.  My year was relatively good for the most part.  2017 was not a bad year for me at all.  Losing my old kitty, Buster, was the hardest for me and a couple of old cats at my Mom and sisters was hard too, but other than that it was not a bad year for me overall and it was a year with a good bit of fun and happy in it, so, even with the kitty deaths that were sad it was a decent year.  I have my health, a roof over my head, my job, a wonderful boyfriend, my Mom still with me, my cats, good friends and family and for all of that I am thankful and feel blessed for every single day.  Here's to a good and happy 2018 to come.

Casey and I have no plans for tonight. We are staying in and hanging with each other and the kitties and we are so okay with that.  I'll be watching Breaking Bad too, but, of course!  I do have the entire series on DVD, but since I am a loser, I'll so be watching the marathon also :) It's too damn cold out to want to go do anything anyways, plus it's super hard for me to stay up late now days so who knows if I'll even make it to midnight tonight, lol.  I am old, what can I say :)

For today's nails I don't have any kind of New Year nails.  I decided instead to do some of one of my favorite TV shows of all time ever for the 10 year anniversary marathon beginning today on AMC. That show would be Breaking Bad.  I love BB as much as I do The Walking Dead.  It's a brilliantly done show in my opinion so BB nails it is for today.  If you have never watched it, I recommend you do, this gist of it is a high school chemistry teacher named Walter White learns he has lung cancer, breaks bad and turns to cooking meth for money for his family.  There's lots of good characters on it, Jesse Pinkman is my fave character on the show that becomes Walt's partner and he says "bitch" a lot on the show and I had to show some Jesse love on my nails for today so that is why there is a "bitch" on my thumb.  The "say my name" comes from when Walt becomes his drug persona "Heisenberg" and says that later in the series to another drug guy.  The blue glitter represents the blue colored meth that Walt and Jesse cook that becomes famous in the show.

Anywasy, onto the nails.  My base was Essie "Ruffles & Feathers" (the green) and Orly "Snowcone" (the blue).  I then diluted China Glaze "Def Defying" with some acetone and used a nail brush to create the smoke effect.  I stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" with MoYou London "Scholar Collection -03" plate.  The blue glitter is Sally Hansen Gem Crush "Bling-tastic".  I then put a coat of Ma-Nish-Ma "Beyond Opal" on my index and pinky nails to finish.

Ruffles & Feathers and Snowcone on their own. 
There you have my Breaking Bad nails.  I love these so so much and am so happy with how they turned out.  Pretty proud of these suckers :) Happy 10 Years Breaking Bad!!!! You are an amazing show and I love you!!!!!

Enjoy your New Year's Eve, be safe and have fun.  Tomorrow Casey and I will be going to our friends, Nick and Leah's, for pork and sauerkraut which is supposed to bring you luck in the New Year.  Casey made the sauerkraut himself and I'm looking forward to good food with good friends, yay :)

I have a good feel good for going into the New Year:

"Never, never, never give up."

Love it!!!

I leave you with myself, Dino and Miss Betty snuggling one day last weekend.  There's just nothing like cuddling with kitties :)

Talk to you all soon and Happy New Year!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas Friends,

Today is Christmas.  This year I am not really in the whole Christmas spirit.  It's the second one without my Dad and with Buster, my old kitty, dying the beginning of this month I am just kinda blah.  But, Casey and I did go to church with my Mom yesterday and it was a nice service and I got to see a slew of my cousins that came so that was super awesome.  I've also been sick since Friday morning with a stupid head cold/sinus thing that has been going around and I am cat sitting this week till Friday.  So, I've been busy too.  So, for the nails for today I decided on super simple sparkly ones.  They are so plain but still pretty in my opinion.

I started with a base of Essie "Be Cherry!".  The green and red glitter and the green glitter are both no name snowman bottle polishes that I got from Rite Aid years ago.  I put a coat of China Glaze "Ruby Pumps" on my thumbs and pinkies.

Be Cherry! on it's own.  I just got this one, it's from the current Winter collection out now and the formula on this one is amazeballs.  If you are looking for a really nice red, I'd suggest picking this one up.  I love Essie, they are definitely one of my favorite brands of polish. 

There you have my super boring nails for this year since I am just not feeling it this year,  I do like them tho cuz' glitter, lol :)

That's it for today.  We are going to Casey's family a bit later on and of course I am watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story which I love and watch every single year. I love this silly movie so much, it's fantastic.  Have a great holiday if you celebrate and enjoy your day with family and friends.

I leave you with Mr. Kitty in a box :) I love this cat, he's so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Candy Canes

Happy thursday loves,

Since I have an old friend on her way to visit this evening, I just have a super quick post today of my first Christmas nails I did, candy canes.  Me loves these a lot :) They are so cute :)

My base was Essie "Vibrant Vibes".  I drew the candy canes using a white nail striper and then did the stripes using a nail art brush and China Glaze "Salsa".  The glitter is OPI "Minnie Style" on my middle and pinky nails.

Mojito Madness on it's own.  I love this green.
That's it, I'll talk to you when I post my actual Christmas nails on Christmas or Eve, which I still have not decided what to do!  I love you with Dino and Miss Betty, all cute :) Talk soon.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, December 18, 2017

Buster Boscoe Cooter Heimerschmidt

Hello my friends,

Today's post is sad.  Two weeks ago today I had to say goodbye to my 15 year old cat, Buster.  That weekend on Saturday he got really sick and went into severe kidney failure.  He had been fine and then suddenly he went down over the course of a day, so the tough decision to send him to The Rainbow Bridge had to be made.  It was really sad, but he did go very peacefully and quietly.  Buster was in my life for 13 wonderful years.  He was a really sweet, friendly, needy, bratty, loveable little dude. There is definitely a void here at home with him gone.  He was there for me thru a lot of craziness in my life and just there for me every day. I miss him and his extra toes so much, it's so weird without him. There's just so much I miss about him. It was so hard saying goodbye to him.  The other cats know he is gone and have been showing their own signs of missing him.  As sad as I am I do know we'll be together again one day and he is never gone from me.  He will always be with me in my heart. I love that cat so much, he was my buddy.

Today's nails are ones I did for Buster last week.  I stamped some kitties on them with my version of rainbows and then did a stamped paw print in a heart for the paw prints he left on my heart.  I added another toe on each one also to represent his extra toes he had.

Before the nails, here is an awesome poem about The Rainbow Bridge, a place I so very firmly believe in. I've read it a million times over in my life and every time I do I still get tears in my eyes. There's quite a few kitties waiting for me there and I know they will all be there to greet me when it's my own time to go to the Bridge.

Here are the nails.  I think these are really nice for Buster. My base here is Essie "Melody Maker".  I stamped using China Glaze "Devotion" with MJ "JR-35" and MoYou London "Kitty Collection 15" plates.  I drew the rainbows with several different polishes I didn't keep track of and a nail art brush.  I used a dotting tool and different polishes for the dots on the paw print nails. Then I put a coat of a "Melly Mix" on the others to finish.

Melody Maker by itself. 
Here are a slew of pics of Buster from over the years. Hope you enjoy them.  He was my cute boy. I love  and miss him so.

Have a great rest of night.  I'll be posting my first Christmas nails later on this week.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?