Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Abominable Snowman.......He's Coming To Get You!!!!!!

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good weekend!  My weekend has been good so far, lots of cleaning!!  Thursday night after work I stayed and cleaned our office, Saturday morning I went out and cleaned Mom's house since she still can't do much with her broken ankle, then came home and cleaned our place.  So I am cleaned out now, lol.

This morning I did the nails I'm showing you today, then doing my sister's and my taxes later on today and watching The Walking Dead marathon that is on AMC today.  Next Sunday is the mid-season premiere of TWD and I so can't wait :)

This Winter here we have had a fair amount of smaller storms bringing us 3 to 8 inches each storm. Yesterday we got about 5 inches so it's a white world outside right now but by Tuesday it will be all gone as it's supposed to be almost SEVENTY degrees, yay!!! Spring is definitely on it's way.  I am so ready for Spring, I am over Winter.  Winter is not my favorite season at all, I hate the cold, brrrrr......

So, what better way to more snow than The Abominable Snowman!!! I present you with my version of him!!!  Hope you likey, I do!!! I think they turned out really cute :) But, beware, he's coming to get you!!!!! :)

My base is China Glaze "Hanging In the Balance".  The white glitter is Color Club "Something New".  I  put a coat of Kleancolor "Prism" on my thumb and pinky.

Hanging In The Balance on it's own.
 Hope you enjoyed my super scary nails today, ha ha!!!

Here's a couple pics of the snow after it started yesterday in our backyard.

That's all for today, folks.  Here's a super awesome feel good:

"The best moments in life are the ones shared with family and friends."

I so agree with this!!!  Have a great rest of the weekend and we'll talk soon.  I leave you with my girls, Princess Pebbles and Miss Betty snuggling with Mom :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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