Sunday, June 24, 2018

Tie Dye Smoosh Stamping

Happy Sunday Loves,

Just a sooper dooper quick post today.  I've been sick since Friday with some sort of awful awful tummy bug, so this weekend has pretty much been sucky for me.  I've slept most of it away, ugh.  Feeling just slightly better today, but not much, ugh!

Today I have some smooshed stamped nails I did last week.  I love this plate, it's got several cool tie dye design images on it and I think it looks really good on top of these smooshed nails.  Hope you enjoy them! 

I did two bases, the light base is Essie "Young, Wild & Me", the darker is Orly "Frolic".  I then did drops of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri "Pink Fast", Color Club "Miss Bliss", China Glaze "I Sea Ponies" and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" on the nails to smoosh.  I then took a piece of cut up sandwich bag placed on top of the nail and smooshed the polish.  I stamped using Kleancolor "Metallic Black" with Bundle Monster "Special FX BM-XL456" plate.  I put a coat of Color Club "Light the Way" on my pinkies and index nails and a coat of OPI "Snowflakes In the Air" on my thumbs to finish.

Frolic and Young, Wild & Me on their own. These look super pretty together me thinks. 
That's it for today.  I am going to lay back down, sleep, read and watch tv the rest of the day with the kitties.  Talk to you soon! I leave you with, what else, but kitties looking cute snuggling together.  This is Miss Betty, Mr. Kitty and Dino :) Have a great Sunday!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Wavey Waves

Happy Sunday Friends,

I hope you are well and have had a good last couple of weeks since my last post!  Things are good my way, uneventful but good and I'll take that :)

Just a super quick post today of some wavey nails I did one day last week.  I think these turned out really pretty, I love the colors all together!

The darker base is Essie "Making Harmony" and the lighter is Essie "Bond With Whomever".  I used a nail art brush and a bunch I am being too lazy to type up :) to draw the waveys. I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the waves, then a coat of Morgan Taylor "Cellophane Coat" to finish. I did notice when I took pics that I so spaced on my right thumb and forgot to put a coat of "Fairy Dust" on top, oh well, I am a blond, what can I say and didn't ever fix it, lol!

Here's my thumb I forgot to "Fairy Dust", ha ha ha ha!!!
Making Harmony and Bond With Whomever on their own.  I think these two look really good together :) 
That's it for today, told you just a super quick post today :)  I'm feeling super lazy today!  Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you soon.

I leave you with Dino, Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty :) I love when they are all together like this, it makes my heart happy :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Happy Sunday Friends,

I hope today finds you well and that life is good.  Things are good my way.  Today I am not doing much at all.  I cleaned Friday night and yesterday morning, then we went to my Mom's to do some stuff so today is pretty much a lazy day with the kitties and Casey (once he gets home from working for a few hours that is) :)

This morning I decided to do some cherry nail art since it's almost Summer time and fruit is always good in hot weather!  I think these turned out super cute and they were super easy to do too!

The dark green base is China Glaze "Emerald Bae" and the light green is Essie "Empower-mint".  I used Essie "Double Breasted Jacket", China Glaze "Emerald Bae" and a white nail striper with nail art brushes and dotting tools to draw the cherries.  I then put a coat of Color Club "Never A Dull Moment" on top of "Emerald Bae" to finish.

Emerald Bae and Empower-mint on their own.  I think these two greens look really nice together.
I love these cherry nails and think that these two greens look really good together!  Have a great rest of the weekend. 

Your feel good for today is this:

"Happy girls are the prettiest!"

Audrey Hepburn said that and I love, love, love this so much! 

I'll leave you with Mr. Kitty and Dino snuggling all cute together.  I love when the cats cuddle together, it's so cute and warms my heart!

Talk soon, my loves.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?