Saturday, August 17, 2019

Black Cat Love for Black Cat Appreciation Day

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!!!
Today is my favorite holiday of the year. It's Black Cat Day, YAY :) I love all cats but those solid black cats are truly my heart and soul when it comes to kitties. I've had black cats of my own since I was around 20 (I'm 47 now) and have never been without one or two or three in my life. I LOVE black cats. There is just something about them that makes my heart so happy from their beautiful silky coats to their charming and sweet personalities. I will never not have black cats in my life. Black cats are the BEST!

So, of course I have some black cat love nails to celebrate today. I did some super easy stamping this year using China Glaze "Campfired Up!" from the new Fall collection out now (love the name :) ) and stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with MoYou Crazy Cat Lady 02 and Maniology MrsWhite8907 M006 plates. On my pinkies and index nails is a coat of Athena & Aprhodite "Maroon Dreams" to finish. I love the simplicity of this mani and hope you do too :)

Campfired Up! on it's own, this is a lovely shade of red and pretty for Fall coming up!
I have a slew of black cat pics below of black cats that are in my life or have been in my life. Enjoy these black cats on Black Cat Appreciation Day :)

This is my current crew, Pebbles, Dino and Miss Betty.
This is Miss Betty, I love them all, but she is my heart and special little lady!
Princess Pebbles, our princess love!
King Dino!
This was Fred and Barney. I had adopted them as kittens and they were great kitties. I never thought I'd have another Barney, he was my momma's boy, until Miss Betty came into my life and I got my female version of him.
Fred and Barney.
Bam Bam, he came into my life after Barney went to Rainbow Bridge. He was an awesome boy too!
This is Sparky. My Dad found him in a shed starving and with a hurt foot and he became part of the family. He's around 17 now, has health issues, we aren't sure how much time we have left with him and give him so much love with the time we do have left. He's also Dad's last cat standing of the three that were still alive when Dad died so losing him is going to be really hard when that time comes. He's a super sweet guy. I love him.
This is Firecracker, she's at my Mom and sister's and is pretty feral. She's been inside since she was a kitten but we haven't been able to catch her to get her fixed and you can't touch her which sucks because she is so tiny and so cute and I wanna snuggle her so bad!
This is Stokely, he's my fur nephew. Two of my best friends, Nick and Leah, are his Mom and Dad and he is freaking awesome. I love this little dude so much!
And, finally, this is Miss Almond from The Feed Store that I go to and she's my sweet little friend. She doesn't always like people but she sure does love her Smelly Melly. I LOVE Miss Almond!
There you have my black cat day nails and the black cats that have touched me in my life. Here's to black cats every day, all day. I LOVE Black Cats, YAY!!!!

Have a great weekend, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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