Sunday, October 27, 2019

Spooky Spooky Graveyard Night

Happy Sunday Friends,

Hope you are well. It's rainy and dreary here, blah. I feel a super lazy day today because of that, lol. Yesterday I went with my Mom to the dog school she belongs to to watch a puppy class. It was fun. Mom goes to watch most of the puppy classes, it's something she enjoys and I go on occasion too. There were some cute puppies but my favorite was a Corgie I met named Tanner. He was so cute and so sweet. I'll be going out again to love on him for sure. I love Corgies and if I were to get a dog that's the breed I would get for sure. They are so darn cute, I love them :) His owner, Barb, was a super sweet lady too, so it was nice making a new friend too! I've got some pics of Tanner at the end of this post!

Then last evening we went to friends' for a chicken corn soup get together. It was fun and the soup was really good so it was a great Saturday for me :)

Today I have some spooky Halloween graveyard nails for Halloween. I love Halloween, it's such a fun holiday. I think these turned out really cool, hope you like them too!

My base is Essie "Generation Zen". I sponged Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Greige Gardens" and Amour "Clean Slate" on the nails to stamp. I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Dixie Plate "Halloween 2019", Whats Up Nails "B031" and "B054" plates. I put a coat of China Glaze "Let Your Twilight Sparkle" on my thumbs and pinkies to finish.

Generation Zen on it's own. It totally disappeared though once I put everything else on, lol :) 
I'll probably do one more Halloween mani and post it on Thursday for Halloween.

Here's that sweet sweet boy Tanner, isn't he just the cutest!
Here's the whole puppy class together.
Here's Mom and me at puppy school.
Here's more of Tanner, I love him!!!!

That's it for today. Have a great rest of the day, talk soon. I leave you with an old pic I found in my drafts of Mr. Kitty and Buster (RIP old boy). I miss that bratty boy every day, sigh.
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Farmer's Fair 2019

Happy Tuesday My Loves,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and that life is good. It's good my way, still getting over being sick but otherwise good!

This past weekend Casey and I went with his family to a farmers fair and fall parade on Saturday. It's always so much fun and the parade is fun to watch. Then on Sunday we went to a Fall fest that my Mom's church does. I took a boatload of rocks for kids and a lot of adults too to paint. It was super fun and the rocks were really a huge hit. People probably painted around 100 rocks, it was pretty great!

For the Farmers Fair I did some farm themed nails and really am super happy with the way these turned out. I love them and hope you do too :)

My base is Essie "Hay There". I sponged China Glaze "Westside Warrior" and China Glaze "Chalk Me Up!" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Born Pretty BP-L086, Clear Jelly Stamper 138 and Creative Shop 90 plates. I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Din" on my pinkies and thumbs to finish.

Hay There on it's own, this was perfect for the base for these nails I think! 
At the fair I met up with an old dear friend of mine that I had not seen in quite a few years, it was great. This first pic of my dear sweet Susie and the second one is of her son Dave and I being silly. He's a great kid and really cool :)
That's it for today. Have a great night and I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Miss Betty :) 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Global Cat Day 2019

Happy Global Cat Day my friends,

Just a super quick post tonight since I am really sick with a bad bad head cold right now, ugh. I've been miserable since Saturday when it came on, blah.

Today is Global Cat Day which used to be known as Feral Cat Day, a day to spread awareness about Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) of feral and stray cat colonies. Feral cats are near and dear to my heart and I've gotten a lot fixed in the past and helped to do my part in decreasing the cat populations in my area and in horse barns I've been at.

I think these nails came out super cute and love these images I chose from a new plate I just got :) Hope you like them too :)

My base is Essie "Toned Down". I sponged Essie "No Shade Here" on the nails to be stamped and then stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" with MoYou Halloween Collection 02 plate. I put a coat of Athena & Aphrodite "Purple Dreams" on my thumbs and pinkies to finish.

Toned Down on it's own, love this shade of blue. 
That's it for tonight. Here's three ferals that I had, RIP guys, that were very near and dear to my heart. Momma, Billy and Little Shit. Momma and Billy both became very sweet and not feral over time but Little Shit really never came around too much, sigh. I miss all these kitties very much. Till we see each other again at the Rainbow Bridge one day.

Have a great rest of the night. I leave you King Dino, so not a feral boy ever. I'm going to lay down now and rest the rest of the night to try to get this sickness out of me. Talk soon!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fall In the Mountains

Happy Hump Day My Loves,

I hope you are well and that your week is going good so far! It's okay for me. We were up in the mountains this past weekend at our family camp so still trying to decompress from that. It was awesome being up there as usual but boy did it get cold on Friday night. I went down to 35°. It was really cold feeling after being 91° the day before, grrrrr..... This was our last trip of this year so that was making me feel sad. It's just too cold for me to go up over the winter months. I hate the cold so indoor stuff for me once the cold gets here, lol.

It was cold, but super pretty both days we were there. The sky was beautiful. It was also a great weekend for seeing black bear. We saw about 4 or so different bear this weekend. Our last trip up in August I had seen a bear both mornings at camp when were there so for this trip up I decided to do some bear nails in hopes of seeing more bear this past weekend and seeing bear we sure did :) It was super exciting and super great to see the bear. I've got some pics of the bear and our weekend after my nails. I love, love, love these bear nails. Was so happy with the way they turned out. I was going for a bit of some Fall sunset colors and think these turned out super pretty, hope you like them too :)

My base is Essie "At the Helm". I sponged China Glaze "Give Me S'more", Essie "Hay There", Essie "No Shade Here" and China Glaze "Good As Marigold" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped with ZZ Forest 1 and 2 plates and Funky Fingers "Dark Knight". I put a coat of an unknown no label glitter shimmer on my pinkies and index nails to finish.

At the Helm on it's own, the perfect base for these nails I think :) 
Hope you liked my bears in the woods nails. I love them and am still wearing them :)

Here's some pics from our weekend! This is our camp and and the bus, I love it. It's a 1939 school bus that was converted a long long time ago and has been in our family for about 60 or so years now!
 A cool road sign :)
 The sunset on the mountains by our camp.
 Part of the Sinnamahoning Creek near our camp.
 The PROPA rock which is a Facebook rock group for Pennsylvania I am in that was at a neighbor's camp and I added the Fall rock to it since I had taken some rocks up with me to hide. I was so excited when I saw that rock at this camp :)
 The Austin Dam Memorial Park. In 1911 the dam broke and killed 78 people and destroyed the paper mill that it supplied water too. It's a beautiful remembrance park and I never tire of going there.
 The dam ruins.

 Painted rocks around the park left by hippies from a music festival that they have there each summer. I loved seeing all the hippie art :)

 The Bayless Pulp and Paper Mill ruins. They are so neat looking.

 And here's the bear we saw on Saturday night, it was so exciting. This was at our neighbor's camp.

That's it for today. Have a great rest of the week. Talk to you this weekend when I do my Walking Dead season premiere nails a week late, didn't get to do any this past Sunday since we got home that day from camp. I leave you with some super cute old pics I came across of my boy, Buster, who went to Rainbow Bridge back in December of 2017. He was a sweet cat and I miss him even though he did drive me crazy at times.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?