Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Nails, Nails, Nails!!!!

Happy Hump Day Love Bugs, 

Hope the week is going well for you all.  It's okay my way, Monday and Tuesday were a bit irritating at work, but, today was okay, so, all is good there in the work world.  I am still going out to clean the horse stalls and take care of the cats every day but Wednesdays and Sundays when my awesome nephew goes and does it to give me a break and save me some gas.  Jared, if you are reading this, you freaking ROCK and I appreciate you helping our family in this crazy time, love you buddy :)  

I have also been hanging out with Casey, my boyfriend, yikes, boyfriend, feels so weird to say that, but, I like it.  I am very happy with what Casey and I have, it's nice  We make each other really happy, have so much in common and have SO MUCH FUN too, yay :)  I am happy, he's a good guy :)  So, been busy, have also been working on crafty stuff a lot lately too and haven't had a chance to post much on my blog, once cold weather rolls around that will change and I'll get to post more for sure then. 

The kitties are all doing good and super spoiled too, but, of course.  I love my fur babies so much, they really truly are my kids and I wouldn't have it any other way, yay! 

Onto me nails now.  Here's the manis I did the last week, I'll describe them as I go, hope you enjoy them as much as I do :) 

Nails #1


For these nails I did a base of Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Dabbler" on all nails, then used Sally Hansen Extreme Wears "Green Thumb", "Royal Hues" and "Sun Spot" and Finger Paints "Minimalistic Mauve" and dropped each color one at a time on a plate and mixed acetone in the polish to thin it out, I then attempted what is known as a watercolor or nimbus nails by dotting a q-tip dipped in the polish and dabbed onto my accent nails.  You can Google tutorials on this to see how I wanted it to look.  I then put one coat of Indigo Bananas "SF35 Holo Top Coat" all nails. This didn't turn out the way I wanted, but, I still liked them anyways.

Bonder, Dabbler, Royal Hue, Sun Spots, Minimalistic Mauve, SF 35 Holo Top Coat, Seche Vite Quick Dry
Dabbler on it's own.
Nails #2
These I did a base of OPI "Lost My Bikini In Molokini" on all nails, then applied the following polishes using an eyeshadow applicator I dabbed into polish I put on a plate onto my nails, Orly "Wild Wisteria", China Glaze "What A Pansy", LA Girls "Tart", OPI "A Grape Fit", Orly "Be Daring" and Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "King Of Shadows".  I then put a coat of Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Pink Grapefruit" on all nails to finish them off.  I love these, they totally reminded me of purple galaxies, LOVE!!! Some of my favorite and pretty easy to do nail art is with eyeshadow apps, they can create a cool effect.
Lost My Bikini In Molokini, Wild Wisteria, Tart, Be Daring, King Of Shadows, What A Pansy, A Grape Fit, Pink Grapefruit
Lost My Bikini In Molokini on it's own,  I love, love, love this purple, it's pretty.
The plate I use for nail art, eyeshadow apps. and my acetone and cleanup brush.
Nails #3
For these nails I did a base of Color Club "Feathered Hair Out To There" on all nails, I then took an angled eyeshadow brush and dabbed the following polishes on my accent nails, Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Courtesan", China Glaze "Violet-Vibes", China Glaze "That's Shore Bright", Color Club "Mrs. Robinson" and China Glaze "Shocking Pink".  I then put one coat of Essie "Pure Pearlfection" on all nails to finish.  Another of my favorite nail art to do is brush art, it's easy and simple too and so cool looking when you are done.
Feather Hair Out To There, Courtesan, Violet-Vibes, That's Shore Bright, Mrs. Robinson, Shocking Pink, Pure Pearlfection
Feathered Hair Out To There on it's own.  I love pastel pink polishes, they hold a special spot in my polish heart and this one was no different, it's so girly pink, I love it!
That's my nails from last week, I liked them all, nail polish, it just makes me happy.  Won't get to post again till early next week, going to be hanging out with burner friends all weekend having a great time.  I can't wait, yay. 

I leave you with a pic of myself, Casey, my nephew, Jared, and his wife, Erica, from when we went out a couple weeks ago and a pic of Miss Betty sleeping with her tongue out, she's so stinkin' cute, I can't take it, this little cat is my entire heart.  I love her so much. 
Erica, Jared, me and Casey.  That's an old friend we ran into that night photobombing from behind, LOL.
The cute, the cute, Betty is so cute :)
Talk to you all soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today? 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Glittah...Glittah....& Glittah......

Happy Tuesday!

Hello all my love bugs.  Hope you are all well and tomorrow we are at the hump already of the week, yay!  I haven't posted in a week, still going to Mom and Dad's every day to clean the two horse stalls and do the heavy work for Mom since she can go to the barn again, just no heavy work, so, she is feeding the boys and letting them out and bringing them in at night.  That's not hard for her and she does enjoy going to the barn every day with both her taking care of my Dad from his surgery and my sister, Tina, from her hurting her knee.  It's a nice break for her from them being cranky, she said, LOL.  Tina fell in the barn about a month and a half or so ago and tore ligaments on each side of her knee, tore her ACL and has a small fracture on her knee.  She did a number on her knee, she'll have to have surgery in a couple of months, she did go back to work, but, still no barn for her.  It's killing her not being able to be with the horses every day.  I feel for her, but, at least my family has myself and my nephew, Jared, to help with the horses and the cats too since Tina's area of the house is up steps and that's where the cats get fed and have litter boxes.   I am enjoying seeing my horse every day tho' and he's enjoying seeing me too I am pretty sure :)   I have also been pretty busy hanging out with Casey and we have a lot of fun together, so, that's why the only once a week or so blog posts lately.  Life is really good lately even with the bit of stress with my family, life is good and I am blessed every single day, yay :) 

Anywhoze, onto some nails, today I have just some glitter goodness nails I wore in the last week since my last post.  I used a base coat of Orly Bonder and top coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all three manis.  Here you go, enjoy the sparkly goodness ahead and always remember kidz that there's NO bad place with GLITTER!  YAY! 


I did a base of Finger Paints "Minimalistic Mauve" with accents of Finger Paints "In The City Lookin' Pretty" and Revlon "Pink Glaze" on the rest. 
Minimalistic Mauve, In The City Lookin' Pretty and Pink Glaze
Minimalistic Mauve on it's own. I love these berry shades of pink so much, they are so pretty.
Calypso Breeze, Star Hopping, Twilight
I did a base of Orly "Calypso Breeze", China Glaze "Star Hopping" on my accents and Orly "Twilight" on the rest of them.  I like Star Hopping, it's a pretty scatter holo polish, I dig it.
Calypso Breeze on it's own.
Lilacism, Fantasy Makers loose glitter mixed with polish, Nova, Melly Mix (several different sparkle top coats mixed together)
For these nails I did a base of Essie "Lilacism", accents of China Glaze "Nova" on my thumbs and Fantasy Maker loose glitter from Halloween mixed with an iridescent glitter polish to make it extra blingy. 
Lilacism on it's own.  This one is pretty, it's a bit of a grayed out faded lilac, it's pretty.

There's my glittah nails from the past week, yay for GLITTER! 

I'll talk to you all soon and I leave you with Buster and Betty.
Buster & Betty doing what cats do really do so well!
Peace, Polish & Purrs,


Monday, July 6, 2015

4th of July Nails

Happy Monday, 

It's Monday, gah, and back to the grind after the holiday weekend.  It's always so hard going back to work after a long weekend.  I hope everyone had a great 4th and weekend.  I had a fantastic weekend.  Thursday night I went out to see a local band with Casey, my nephew, Jared, his wife, Erica and friend Zach, we had a ton of fun that night. Friday I went out and rode my horse, then Casey and I went to Potter County, PA for the rest of the holiday weekend.  We had so much fun, we went to the flea market, saw fireworks and just hung out. It had been many years since I'd been to Potter County, so, that was really nice to be back in "God's Country" Potter County.  It is gorgeous up there, mountains, mountains and more mountains.  I love it, wish we could have stayed a few more days, glad I got two days up there tho' ;) Didn't take any pics which sucks, but, I'll go back again and will get pics then. 

For my 4th nails I did a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of OPI "Alpine Snow" on all nails, then put some dots of polish on my thumb and ring finger accent nails with OPI "Dating A Royal" and OPI "Big Apple Red" and took a piece of crumpled up saran wrap and dabbed the dots to blend them together, then I used one coat of KB Shimmer "Prism Break" on all nails, then finished off with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails and was done.  I like how they turned out, they were pretty. I didn't take bottle shots this time, just pics of my nails when they were done. Here you go and I hope you enjoy seeing my red, white and blue nails today. 

That's it for today. Here's my Betty bear kitty.  This cat is just my heart thru and thru.  I love her so much, she's so sweet and her cute, I can't take it, she's entirely too cute, LOL :)

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon when I post the nails I did tonight.  I am going to read some nail blogs I read the rest of the night and going to bed early.  I am sleepy from the weekend, but, it was so worth it, had a great time, yay. 

Peace, Polish & Purrs,
