Monday, January 30, 2017

Donuts, It's Donuts!

Happy Monday Loves,

Hello my friends, hope that you are well and having a good Monday.  I am, our phones were really quiet today for a Monday, it was odd, which means they'll probably be ringing off the hook tomorrow now.  That's usually what happens if a Monday is slow at my work.

Tonight I have some really cute donuts I did a few weeks back.  I think these came out so stinking cute and I love them, hope you do too :)

My base was Orly "Window Shopping".  I then used several different polishes that I didn't write down and nail art brushed to draw the donuts with a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top.  I then did a coat of Starlight Polish "Splash Dream" on my index and pinky nails to finish.

Window Shopping on it's own.
That's it for tonight.  Have a great rest of the night.  I may take a bath later on since my back hurts right now from cleaning our office after work.  I am our cleaning lady and I clean once every two weeks.  It's a small office so it doesn't take me long to do, but, does make me tired and my back sore in my old age, lol.

Your feel good for tonight is:

"Think happy, be happy."

Love this one, it's so, well, happy :)

I leave you with Casey's kitty, Miss Gypsy.  She's a sweet cat and so happy that she has brothers and sisters since Casey moved in and brought her with and she loves bags, boxes, etc, typical cat :) She's a pretty girl

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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