Monday, November 27, 2017

Holy Huntin' Holiday

Happy Monday!

Hello friends.  Hope today finds you well.  Today was a really hard day, first day back to work after afour days off and a Monday to boot!  It was rough, well, not really, lol.  I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving if you celebrate and had a good weekend.  My turkey day was really nice.  We went to Casey's parents house, then my sister came in for our weekly Walking Dead night.

Then Friday and the weekend I pretty much had lazy days since I had already gotten my cleaning all done on Wednesday night and Thursday morning and it was nice. I needed a few lazy movie days with the cats and Casey since the last few weekends had been pretty busy for me.

Today in Pennsylvania marks a pretty big day for deer hunters.  It's opening day of rifle season, or the Holy Huntin' Holiday (as I call it) and around here it is a HUGE day for mighty hunters.  I grew up in a big huntin' (note there never a "g" on the end of huntin') family and have many hunters in my life whether family or friends. My Dad was an avid hunter and he never missed opening day of deer.  My brother is also a big hunter as is my boyfriend, Casey.  I never hunted, never wanted to, but do respect and support responsible hunters that hunt for the meat to eat, that is what my family always did and Casey does as well.  I do like deer meat a lot, it tastes good and is actually better for you than beef is.

So, of course for today I have some deer season nails.  I first did some deer season nails in Fall of 2015, the last year my Dad was still alive, and have done deer season nails since.  The last two years I dedicated my nails to Dad and this year again they are dedicated to him.  Every year they will be dedicated to Dad and for the current hunters in my life.  So, without further ado, here are my opening day of deer season huntin' nails.  These were super simple this year.  I really do like the simpleness of them this year.

My base is China Glaze "Exotic Encounters".  I stamped using Born Pretty "BP-35", Winstonia "Hunter's Life" and Born Pretty "BP-L011" plates and China Glaze "Poetic".  I then used a nail brush and China Glaze "Delight" to accent the stamped nails.  The glitter is a no name one I got at a local beauty supply store.

Exotic Encounters on it's own.
There you have my Holy Huntin' Holiday nails for this year.  I like them, simple and cute I think.

Here's a picture of Casey with the first deer he ever shot.  This pic is on our refrigerator so I decided it would be fun to take a picture of it for my post today.

Have a great rest of the night.  I'll talk at you all soon.  I leave you with Miss Betty shutting her eyes one day cuz' she knows what that flash is all about by now, lol :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Turkeys

Happy Day of Thanks Friends,

Today is Thanksgiving in America.  I hope you have a great one if you celebrate Turkey Day!  I am thankful for so many things every single day, not just today.  I am super thankful for my readers of this blog. This blog is such a great way for me to showcase my nails and I truly do enjoy doing my nails and sharing them on my blog for you all :)

Today I am going to Casey's family for the day.  This past Sunday I went with my Mom to her church's Thanksgiving dinner social event they do.  She is staying home today with my sister and the animals.  My brother wasn't even sure what he was doing either so she decided to just have Sunday as her Thanksgiving. It is nice when you only have one place to go to on the holidays instead of two families to go to, way less tiring of a day, lol :)

I have off work today, of course, and we are closed tomorrow as well so I have a four day weekend and already got all my cleaning done last night and this morning, so tomorrow I am going to start a nail polish purge and will end up gifting some to friends.  It's time to do a purge.  I've got so much and have my faves with good formulas that I love so time for some of it to go, lol.

So, my nails for today are some cute little turkeys.  I like them, they are cute me thinks :)  Hope you like them too.

My base is Essie "As If!".  The glitter is Baroness X "Neon Bubbles". I used several different polishes I didn't bother writing down and nail art brushes to draw the turkeys.

As If! on it's own.  This is from the current Fall collection out and it's quite pretty I think!
That's it for this year's Turkey Day nails.  Have a great day and don't eat too much :)  Tonight my sister will be coming in for our weekly Walking Dead night and I look forward to our Dead dates, they are fun and tonight we will have leftovers, yay :)

I have a feel good for you today too, here it is:

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

This one is so good, I love it!!!

Talk to you soon, here's Miss Betty and Dino looking too cute for words napping :)
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Funny Pumpkins

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hello my friends!  I hope your week is going well and that you are well.  I am okay.  Work has been a bit nutty, we are currently going thru a bit of restructuring of the company, some staff changes, new software and it's been crazy.  So, the next couple of months are going to be work crazy for me, but, in the end it should be better (I hope).'

I've still been pretty busy going thru Dad's stuff and helping Mom.  Dad had so much stuff and it's honestly overwhelming at times.  There's still so much to go thru and we already got rid of a lot, ugh. My plan is to keep on going thru stuff all Winter and then have a few yard sales next year when it's warm out again.  It's also still really hard going thru his stuff.  I miss my Dad so much, sigh.

Other than that life is good. I try to do a lot more social stuff with my Mom whether it's dog or her church stuff.  I know she enjoys me doing stuff with her and I do have a lot of fun with her.  My Mom is a really good person and it's really easy to hang out with her :)

So, today I have some pumpkin nails that I did that I wasn't really too happy with when they were just pumpkins so I added some smiley faces to them as they just didn't come out the way I wanted them to in my head. I love them now this way with the added faces. I think they are really cute and hope you do too :)

My base here is Essie "Excuse Me, Sur".  I used several different polishes (too lazy to write down), nail art brushes and dotting tools to paint the pumpkins. I then put a coat of Orly "Etoile" on the other nails to finish.

Excuse Me, Sur! on it's own.  I really like this shade of pink.  I have quite a few in this shade range. 
That's it for nails for today.  Here's a feel good also since I didn't post one in a bit:

"Out of the way world.  I've got my sassy pants on today!"

LOVE it!!!

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk soon to you!  Here's Princess Pebbles loving her outside world :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Candy That Everyone Hates!

Happy Dead Day!!

It's Walking Dead day, yay :)  I'm so ridiculously happy that The Walking Dead is back on Sunday nights again!!  The first two episodes have been pretty action packed so I'm loving it!!!

Anyways, hope you are having a good weekend. I am, did a lot of cleaning this weekend, watched some movies, hung out with Casey and the kitties so it's been a good weekend for me.

Tonight I have some candy corn nails I did this past week.  Candy corn, it's the candy that everyone seems to hate, yet it's so cute!  I don't mind eating a few candy corn here and there, but definitely not a top candy on my candy list, lol. So, onto the nails...I think these came out super cute and I like the two color base coats! Hope you enjoy them whether you like to eat them or not :)

I did two bases here to mix things up a bit.  The orange is OPI "Hot & Spicy" and the yellow is OPI "My Twin Mimmy".  I used a white striper, nail art brushes, OPI "My Twin Mimmy" and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White".  I sponged on Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and OPI "My Twin Mimmy" with an eyeshadow applicator on my thumbs.  The glitter is Color Club "Woodstock or Bust".

Hot & Spicy (the orange) and My Twin Mimmy (the yellow), these were perfect candy corn shades. 
I liked these nails.  I think they turned out super cute.  Have a great rest of the night.  I'll talk to you all soon, soon.  I leave you with Buster and Miss Betty snoozing together, aren't they so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?