Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Funny Pumpkins

Happy Tuesday Loves,

Hello my friends!  I hope your week is going well and that you are well.  I am okay.  Work has been a bit nutty, we are currently going thru a bit of restructuring of the company, some staff changes, new software and it's been crazy.  So, the next couple of months are going to be work crazy for me, but, in the end it should be better (I hope).'

I've still been pretty busy going thru Dad's stuff and helping Mom.  Dad had so much stuff and it's honestly overwhelming at times.  There's still so much to go thru and we already got rid of a lot, ugh. My plan is to keep on going thru stuff all Winter and then have a few yard sales next year when it's warm out again.  It's also still really hard going thru his stuff.  I miss my Dad so much, sigh.

Other than that life is good. I try to do a lot more social stuff with my Mom whether it's dog or her church stuff.  I know she enjoys me doing stuff with her and I do have a lot of fun with her.  My Mom is a really good person and it's really easy to hang out with her :)

So, today I have some pumpkin nails that I did that I wasn't really too happy with when they were just pumpkins so I added some smiley faces to them as they just didn't come out the way I wanted them to in my head. I love them now this way with the added faces. I think they are really cute and hope you do too :)

My base here is Essie "Excuse Me, Sur".  I used several different polishes (too lazy to write down), nail art brushes and dotting tools to paint the pumpkins. I then put a coat of Orly "Etoile" on the other nails to finish.

Excuse Me, Sur! on it's own.  I really like this shade of pink.  I have quite a few in this shade range. 
That's it for nails for today.  Here's a feel good also since I didn't post one in a bit:

"Out of the way world.  I've got my sassy pants on today!"

LOVE it!!!

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk soon to you!  Here's Princess Pebbles loving her outside world :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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