Sunday, February 25, 2018

Goodbye Coral!!!!

Happy Dead Day!!!!!

Yay, yay, yay, it's finally here!!!! The Walking Dead is back tonight, all the yay's!!!!  Tonight is the mid-season premiere of TWD.  I am so ready for my beloved Walking Dead to be back on.  My sister is coming over later on today for the premiere and Casey will be making us a good dinner too :)  

We already know that Carl is dying tonight.  It was revealed in the mid-season finale that he was bit and we all know what happens when you get bit in The Walking Dead universe, you die.  Carl has been around since the very beginning as the main character, Rick Grimes', son.  We've seen him grow up on the show and become a man over his time in this world. A lot of fans dislike Carl, but I have always liked him.  They are from Georgia so the actors do southern accents and Andrew Lincoln who plays his Dad, Rick, is British in real life so when he does his acccent the word "Carl" sounds like "Coral" so there's been jokes for years about his name sounding like the word "Coral" so today I present to you my "Goodbye Coral" said in Rick Grimes' voice nails.  I for one will miss Carl. Hope you enjoy my Carl nails with his eye patch and signature sheriff's hat that's he's worn since the beginning when his Dad gave him the hat. I am pretty happy with the way these turned out :)

My base is OPI "Can't Afjord Not To".  I used several different polishes I didn't keep track of and nail art brushes to draw the art work and stamped using Creative Shop Plate 09 and Essie "Partner In Crime". I put a coat of Wet 'n Wild "White and Stormy" on my pinkies.

Can't Afjord Not To on it's own.  I like this orange but think it's going into the purge pile as I have other oranges I like a bit better in my collection. 
There you have my "Coral" nails.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and especially enjoy the show tonight if you watch.

I leave you with a few pics I got thru the window last week of our ever elusive feral boy, Little Shit.  I rarely see him so when I do it makes me happy to see that he looks so good and is healthy looking.  He's around 8 now and I wish he would have come around over the years, but he just hasn't, boo.  But, no matter, I love him just as much as the rest and he is a really cute guy, my Little Shit!!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Abominable Snowman.......He's Coming To Get You!!!!!!

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good weekend!  My weekend has been good so far, lots of cleaning!!  Thursday night after work I stayed and cleaned our office, Saturday morning I went out and cleaned Mom's house since she still can't do much with her broken ankle, then came home and cleaned our place.  So I am cleaned out now, lol.

This morning I did the nails I'm showing you today, then doing my sister's and my taxes later on today and watching The Walking Dead marathon that is on AMC today.  Next Sunday is the mid-season premiere of TWD and I so can't wait :)

This Winter here we have had a fair amount of smaller storms bringing us 3 to 8 inches each storm. Yesterday we got about 5 inches so it's a white world outside right now but by Tuesday it will be all gone as it's supposed to be almost SEVENTY degrees, yay!!! Spring is definitely on it's way.  I am so ready for Spring, I am over Winter.  Winter is not my favorite season at all, I hate the cold, brrrrr......

So, what better way to more snow than The Abominable Snowman!!! I present you with my version of him!!!  Hope you likey, I do!!! I think they turned out really cute :) But, beware, he's coming to get you!!!!! :)

My base is China Glaze "Hanging In the Balance".  The white glitter is Color Club "Something New".  I  put a coat of Kleancolor "Prism" on my thumb and pinky.

Hanging In The Balance on it's own.
 Hope you enjoyed my super scary nails today, ha ha!!!

Here's a couple pics of the snow after it started yesterday in our backyard.

That's all for today, folks.  Here's a super awesome feel good:

"The best moments in life are the ones shared with family and friends."

I so agree with this!!!  Have a great rest of the weekend and we'll talk soon.  I leave you with my girls, Princess Pebbles and Miss Betty snuggling with Mom :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, February 2, 2018

Will He Or Won't He See His Shadow???

Happy Groundhog Day!!!!

So, will that rodent see his shadow or not and let us know if we have 6 more weeks of Winter left (which we always do anyways, lol).  Groundhog Day is a super silly holiday here in the states that is well, just silly.  It's said that if the groundhog named Phil sees his shadow we will have 6 more weeks of Winter and if he does not then we will have an early Spring!  I know I am hoping for an early spring.  There's a bunch of old dudes that dress in top hats and declare if he saw his shadow or not.  

The annual festivities are held in my home state of PA but I myself have never been to the celebration, maybe one of these years I will make it out to western Pennsylvania to see this rodent in action for myself.

If you want to learn more about this silly holiday go here:

Here's the rodent, Phil, with one of the old geezers that declares whether he sees his shadow or not.

 Last year I did nails for this day that had the Phil, the sun and clouds on them.  This year I wanted to change it so these nails below are what I came up with for this year.  I love them!!!  You can see last year's nails and more history on the day here:

I realized after I did these that I drew the question mark backwards on my left hand, oh well, as my sister said last night, it is a backwards holiday since there's always 6 more weeks of Winter until the first day of Spring, so the backwards mark actually does work, lol :) Here you go, hope you enjoy them :)

My base is OPI "This Cost Me A Mint".  I then used nail art brushes and dotting tools with the following polishes to create the art: China Glaze "Mahogany Magic", Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Bare It All", Xtreme Wear "White On", Xtreme Wear "Black Out" and China Glaze "Awaken".  I put a coat of Kleancolor "Twilight" on my thumbs and pinkies to finish.

This Cose Me a Mint on it's own. 
There you have my 2018 Groundhog Day nails.  I am posting this very early so I don't actually know yet if Phil will see his shadow or not yet, that's still about an hour away! Have a great Friday and I'll talk to you soon!

I leave you with kitties, Betty, Buster (RIP my sweet old boy) and Dino. When I come across these pics I took before Buster died they do make me feel sad, I miss him so much, yet at the same time I also smile from the memories.  He was a good boy.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?