Saturday, May 19, 2018

Caturday Cat Print

Happy Saturday or Caturday friends,

I hope today finds you well.  I am good. This morning Casey and I took his cat, Gypsy, to the vet for her shots and yearly check up, then I came home and painted my toes and my nails.  I've also just been watching movies.  I didn't watch any of the royal wedding.  I think it's cool and all, but just didn't feel the urge to watch it.  I do plan on watching the Lifetime movie about the royal couple at some point though, lol.  I do love me some Lifetime movies :) The rest of the day I am just chilling and will probably take a nice hot bath later on.  Casey is making a good dinner tonight also and his cooking is always really good. Tomorrow we may try to get some yard work done at Mom's, depends on whether this rain we've been getting non-stop lately ever stops, ugh. Mom also lives in a valley so it stays wetter out there longer than other places.

For today's nails I did some big cat cheetah/leopard prints from a new plate I just recently got.  It's Lina's Get Wild 01! plate and it's awesome.  It has a lot of really cool animal print designs on it. Can't wait to use it again.  Next time I'm going to use the tiger stripe designs.

My base are China Glaze "You Drive Me Coconuts" (darker pink) and China Glaze "Neon & On & On" (lighter pink).  I then sponged on Essie "Bond With Whomever" on the nails to be stamped then stamped with Sinful Colors "Black On Black" and Lina "Get Wild 01!" plate.  I put a "Melly Mix" on the rest to finish.

You Drive Me Coconuts and Neon & On & On on their own.
There you have my cheetah/leopard print nails.  I love these with the neon shades, makes it really fun I think!

Here's a good feel good for today:

"The grass isn't always greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it." that is one to ponder!!!

Have a great rest of the day on this rainy dreary Caturday, unless it's sunny where you are, then I am so jealous of you, lol :)

I leave you with my sweet dear Momma Kitty.  Came across this the other day and it made me smile, she's was so cute.  She went to Rainbow Bridge in 2014 and I miss her every single day.  She took me two years to earn her trust to get her spayed, she was a good girl and totally became my baby girl. She was my good girl. Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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