Sunday, May 13, 2018

Flowers for Mom's Day

Happy Momma's Day!!!

It's Mother's Day, happy day to all the Mom's out there, both of humans and the fur babies! I have no human children of my own and am just a cat Mom and I am totally a-okay with that :)

Today Casey and I went out to my Mom's and hung out with her, my sister, my horse, the cats and Mom's new dog she adopted last weekend named Dash.  He's so awesome and such a good boy.  We are all still really sad about losing Gracie, her old dog, but happy that Dash is in our lives now. I'll have a post for him with some doggie nails soon :)

I decided to do some flowers for Mom's Day today.  I really like the way these turned out, the are pretty :)

My base here is China Glaze "Bermuda Breakaway".  I then used a slew of different polishes and a nail art brush and dotting tool to do the flowers.  The glitter is Color Club "Invite Only" and I put a coat of an Amour polish, not sure of the name cuz' the label fell off, on the rest to finish.

Bermuda Breakaway on it's own.  I've owned this polish for a really long time now, think it was one of the first dark dark blues I ever got. 
There's my Mom's Day nails.

Here's Dash, he's a cutie :)

Here's Tina's cats, Negan and Frido, they are such handsome and sweet boys too :)  I love them!


That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the day. Last weekend Casey and I went up the mountains camping for the first time this year. I'll get those nails and some pics up from then this coming week.

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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