Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Potter County, PA "God's Country"

Happy Tuesday my loves,

Hope you are well and your week is going good so far.  Mine is okay so far.  It's pretty stormy outside right now with thunder, lightning and lots of rain.  Our power did blip once but so far so good on that.  It's supposed to be stormy and rainy the rest of the week, ugh. 

Anyways today I have my nails I did from two weekends ago on our first trip of this year up to the mountains at my family's camp.  It's so much fun up there.  I love it so much.  We even had a bear visitor since our friend Amy forgot to put her cooler inside on Friday night.  I have pics of it's two teeth marks on Amy's cooler and it's paw prints.

Here's the nails I did for that weekend.  I really like the way these turned out, they came out pretty I think :) Hope you like them too :)

I did a base of China Glaze "Barre Hopping". I stamped using Funky Fingers "Dark Knight" with Uber Chic "2-02", Uber Chic "Great Outdoors" and Bundle Monster "BM-S187" plates.  Then I put a coat of Kleancolor "Meteorite" on the rest to finish.

Barre Hopping on it's own.  This is from the spring collection this year, I love these types of pastel purples, some of my favorites. 
Here's the bus, it's a 1939 school bus converted to a camp and was my Dad's, now my brother owns it since Dad passed. The bus is awesome, I love it, it's totally our home away from home.

Casey was making pork and sauerkraut on the fire in a dutch oven, it was so good!
The land by the bus.  It was still so bare up there with the super long and late Winter we had this year.  Never saw camp this bare before like this so it was kinda cool

The awesome sunset after some serious storms up there on Friday evening. Isn't this so pretty!!!

Here is Amy's cooler and it's teeth marks. The bear didn't get in it tho', Amy woke up and scared it off before it did any more damage.
The bear paw prints, cool, right?

This is the Wharton, a little general store.  I love the Wharton, it's awesome!
The phone booth with no phone at the Wharton :)
This is where we stopped on the way home.  Casey did some fishing and I just enjoyed it :)

Look how clear the water is, so clean!
That's it for today!  Have a great night.  I'll talk to you soon.

I leave you with another old pic I found of Mr. Kitty and Buster (RIP buddy).  I am enjoying seeing these pics of Buster come up even tho' I do feel a bit sad too, I miss my old man so much, he was my buddy.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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