Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Global Cat Day or what used to be Feral Cat Day

Happy Tuesday!!!!

I hope that today finds you well and that life is good :)  Today is Global Cat Day or what used to be known as Feral Cat Day.  It began as a day to spread awareness about cats in communities that are part of trap/neuter/return (TNR) programs and as a way to help feral, stray and free roaming cats in all different areas. An organization called Alley Cat Allies who are huge advocates of feral cats and TNR began this day quite a few years ago and it's evolved into lots of people doing special things on this day for feral and free roaming cats.  To learn more about feral cats and TNR please visit https://www.alleycat.org/

For years I have done my part in helping feral cats by volunteering to help trap for spaying and neutering and also strays thru re-homing the adoptable ones that have shown up. I've shared a few pics of the three very special ferals (that turned tame) that I've had in my life at the end of this post.

I also have a few pics from our friends' wedding this past Saturday.  Now, on to the nails.

I did two bases here, the green is Broadway Nails "Sour Apple" and the orange is OPI "Aloha From OPI". I then sponged Color Club "Feelin' Groovy" on the green nails to be stamped. I stamped using Broadway Nails "Blackout" with Bundle Monster "BM-S162", What's Up Nails "B036" and Chez Delaney "Chats & Chiens 001" plates. I put a coat of China Glaze "Pret-A-Potion" on the orange nails to finish.

Sour Apple and Aloha From OPI on their own. I think these look great together :) 
Here's Jolene and Chris during their first dance.

The Prancing Pony bar that is part of a Burning Man regional theme camp, it's where they met so the bar was at the wedding and it was great :)
The write up they did about meeting at The Prancing Pony and a bit about what Burning Man and what the spirit of Burning Man is.
Casey and myself :)

One of my nearest and dearest friends, Mandy and me :)
Mandy with her wife, Jes, another of my nearest and dearest.  I love these ladies so much!
Our friend, Sarah, and Casey and me. We love Sarah bunches and bunches too, she's awesome!
Sarah and her man, Kidd, we loves him loads too :)
Here is Billy, Momma Kitty and Little Shit in the back.  Momma and Billy I started feeding after we moved in and it took me a couple years to earn Momma's trust to get her fixed, then she became my sweet little girl till she died.  Billy was the first to come around, then Momma did.  Little Shit was Momma's kitten that I got fixed as a young kitty. Momma and Billy both went to Rainbow Bridge in 2014. Little Shit is still around, but he's very elusive and we don't see him too much, but I still love him just the same.

Some pics of Momma. She was my little girl and I miss her so much every day, she was super sweet.

Billy, he was the best too, so friendly he became. I miss him too every day.

A couple of the rare pics I have of Little Shit. He's so cute and I wish he would have come around more but oh well, at least we can provide him a safe place in our yard and feed him every day.

That's it for Global Cat Day.  Have a great rest of the night. I'll talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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