Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fall Leaves Are Falling

Happy Sunday My Loves,

It's been a good weekend for me. Yesterday my friend, Niki, and her husband came over and we hung out and painted rocks and caught up. It had been a long time since Niki and I got to hang out and it was nice. My sister came in last night and we hung out. Today I have no plans but to be lazy before the work week. I may paint some rocks but that's about it, lol.

Tomorrow is the first official day of Fall. I am looking forward to Fall. I love Fall, just hate the impending doom of Winter, grr... I have some super easy sponged and stamping nails today for my first Fall nails this year. These turned out pretty I think :) Hope you like them too!

My base is Essie "Capri". I sponged China Glaze "Flame-Boyant" and China Glaze "Happy Go Lucky" on the nails to be stamped. I stamped using China Glaze "Unplugged" with Lina 4 Seasons - Autumn 02 and Whats Up Nails B021 plates. I put one coat of OPI "Peach-A-Boo" on my pinkies and index nails to finish.

Capri on it's own, the perfect base for my first Fall nails.
Have a great Sunday, talk soon! I leave you with Dino and Miss Betty outside in our yard one day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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