Monday, September 2, 2019

It's the Birds!

Happy Monday!!

Usually Mondays are not so happy but here in the states it's the Labor Day holiday so I have off of work so it's a Happy Monday today for sure :) It was a fun weekend for me. On Saturday I went to my Mom's and my cousins and their kids came out to visit with Mom, me, my sister, the dog, cats and my horse. We also painted rocks with the kids. Painting rocks in my latest artsy obsession, it's so fun. I'll be doing a post soon about that :) Yesterday we went to a family reunion of Casey's family and that was nice seeing everyone.

Sad news, on Friday, the last cat, Sparky, of my Dad's that was still around was put to sleep and sent to The Rainbow Bridge to be with Dad. He was 17 years old. It was very sad and I'm still so sad about that. Look for a memorial post to Sparky soon. At least he made it through the black cat holiday last weekend. He was a good cat and I'm going to miss him so much, sigh.

Today the weather has been stormy and it's supposed to be rainy most of the day so it's going to be a lazy-ish day for me until I have to go feed my horse this evening since my sister has to work. I decided on some sunny happy bird nails for today.  I had these on my nail to do list for a while now and think these turned out super cute :)

My base is China Glaze "Chalk Me Up!".  I used nail art brushes and a slew of polishes I didn't bother to keep track of to draw the birds, bird houses and bird baths. The glitter is Funky Fingers "'Murica" and on my thumbs and pinkies is a coat of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Tulle Kit".

Chalk Me Up! on it's own. 
Here's a couple pics from Saturday with my cousins. This is me on the left, Danny (my cousin), his wife Katie, my sister Tina and all of their three kids, Ayri, Sammy and Cora.
 Sweet cute baby cousin, Cora Beth :) :)
Cora's first ever horsey sit. I love this so much!!
 My Dusty Bucks being the awesome kids horse he is :)
That's it for today my friends. Have a great day and enjoy the holiday if you celebrate and are in the states. I leave you with an old picture I found of Princess Pebbles and Buster, RIP old man, I miss that cat, he was such an asshole but he was my asshole :)
Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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