Sunday, September 29, 2019

Happy Birthday Blog (a day late) :)

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Today's post is a post celebrating my blog's 5th birthday or blog-a-b-day/blogiversary. It was actually yesterday but I didn't have a chance to do my nails or a post yesterday so today it is a day late. Hard to believe that five years has gone by now since I started my little piece of the interwebs to showcase my nails and talk about stuff in my life and what I do :) Thank you to all my readers these many years. Here's to many more years of this little blog o' mine :)

I chose to do my two favorite colors together today, purple and pink, and kept it super simple with some easy peasy fan brushed nails. I think these are really pretty. Hope you like them too.

My base is Essie "Play Date". I fan brushed on Color Club "Hot-Hot-Hot Pants". The glitter is Alchemy Lacquers "KCl" and on my all the other nails I put a coat of Color Club "Bright Lights Big City".

Play Date on it's own. This is one of my favorite polishes I own, love this purple.
That's all for today. Yesterday we were at friends' house with friends having a rock painting party and it was fun fun. Last night my sister came to hang out. Today I am doing some stuff around home and pretty much chilling. We do leave to go to the mountains the end of this week for the weekend then next Sunday when we get home it's The Walking Dead Season 10 premiere and I can't wait. So ready for my beloved Walking Dead to be back on. Not sure what I'm doing with my nails just yet. I'll have a post then of my nails.

Have a great rest of weekend and good week. Talk soon. I leave you with my baby baby girl, Miss Betty, my heart, my love kitty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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