Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy 50th Earth Day 2020

Happy Earth Day 2020,

Hello my friends. I hope that today finds you well and that you and your families are staying safe and healthy. It's been close to a month now that I have been working from home and I am so ready to get back to the office every day and have some normalcy again. Our state just extended our stay at home order thru May 8th so who knows when that will be, sigh. Even just going to the grocery store is so stressful and anxiety inducing. Sadly I don't think that's going to be changing anytime soon. We just have to accept that things are different now and just learn to adapt, we really have no other choice.

Last Wednesday I had to take my little dear sweet kitty, Miss Betty, to the vet due to her being constipated. She has poopy issues but had been doing good for a couple years. She had to get three enemas and it took her until Monday afternoon to start feeling herself again. She's going to be on a different food with higher fiber along with her daily laxative to help her going forward. I was one stressed kitty momma until she started to feel better. Sunday was my birthday, I spent it hanging out with Betty and snuggling her on the bed since she still was not feeling good, so it was just a day. Not like I was going to be doing anything anyways. Casey, my brother and I were going to be going to camp this past weekend for our first trip up of the year but that sadly for obvious reasons did not happen. I probably would have had to cancel anyways to stay home with Betty if it would have been normal times. We are hoping to get a trip to camp in May. We shall see. I miss camp and the bus and am so ready to get away to the mountains with the crazy that is life currently, more sighs.

Anyways, on to the nails. Today is the 50th Earth Day. I think it's awesome that it's now been a day for this long. This year too the Earth is doing much better due to people being home during the pandemic. Air qualities are so much better the entire world over, wildlife is moving back into areas that humans have pushed them out of and water ways are running clear.  This kind of stuff is pretty awesome to see happening. Maybe there is some silver lining in all of this, it's giving the Earth a chance to do some healing of her own. Mankind has messed this planet up on so many levels for so long, who knows, maybe this is Mama Nature's way of saying, "hey, I need a break from you people screwing me up for a bit.".

So, of course I have some Earth Day nails to celebrate our beautiful and wonderful planet. I really like these, think they turned out cute and hope you like them too!

My base is China Glaze "DJ Blue My Mind". I sponged OPI "Green Come True". I stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" with Winstonia W104 and Bundle Monster BM-XL476. On my pinkies and thumbs is a coat of China Glaze "A Grouchy New Year".

DJ Blue My Mind on it's own, a pretty shade of blue and perfect base for this mani I think. 
That's it for today. Have a great day, celebrate and appreciate Planet Earth and I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with a super cute picture of Miss Betty, my poor little poopy problem girl. She's my heart and just the cutest! I love her so so much! She is my baby girl!!
Polish & Purrs


 Have you loved your cuticles today?

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