Sunday, April 5, 2020

Cherry Blossom Trees In Bloom

Happy Sunday my loves,

Hello my friends, I hope that you doing well, staying healthy, safe and able to be staying home. This pandemic we are in is so beyond anything we've ever experienced before and it's so stressful and scary. I've been home now for the last two plus weeks except to go to feed my horse and sister's cats on Thursday when she's been at work since she works till late and I feed every Thursday. It's been nice to at least have that to look forward to. I do get nervous though seeing my Mom when I go but we are keeping our distance when I am there. This past Thursday she said to me, "Well, we can't hug each other since we have to stay apart, but at least we have our animals." And, she is right about that. I hate not being able to hug my mom when I see her, sigh.

I went to the grocery store twice in the last two weeks and did stop in at work to grab paperwork I needed to work from home and drop some stuff off. That has been the extent of my being out and about. I really hope that we find ourselves back to somewhat normal sooner rather than later. This is really now starting to work on my emotions and I find myself getting more depressed as each day is passing. I know I am not the only one feeling this way obviously and I am trying to really keep it in check with keeping myself busy reading, watching TV, painting rocks, going through stuff, hanging out with the kitties and Casey and going outside to sit in the back yard when it's been nice out. Casey has taken this time and gotten his garden started in our back yard, so he at least has that. I am able to work from home still and I do have Casey and am not totally alone with just the cats in our apartment. It would be way worse for me if I didn't have Casey and for that I am thankful.

I have started a general "to do" list of stuff I want to do around home and I do think that getting stuff done on my list will hopefully help me with my sadness by feeling like I've accomplished something as I cross things off my list.

I am also making sure that I do stick to some of my normal routines during this also such as doing my nails each Sunday morning, making sure I shower regularly, brushing my teeth AND flossing each day, regularly brushing the cats, cleaning the litter boxes each morning and not later in the day, keeping up with laundry and house work and that kind of thing.

I miss hanging out with my sister two nights a week and not being able to watch The Walking Dead with her each week now either, sniffle. Tonight is the last episode of The Walking Dead until later in the year when they can post produce the season finale that was to air next week so we will at least have that to look forward to later in the year when we can hang out again.

I also miss being at work and seeing my coworkers every day, the hardest being Nancy who I work with who is not just a coworker to me but one of my very best friends. It's so hard not seeing her. We do talk on the phone though every day so we at least have that.

Here in the U.S. they are saying that the peak of our infections and deaths will be in the next week to two weeks. Our entire state is now in a stay at home order, they are encouraging us to stay home even from the grocery stores or pharmacies for the next two weeks unless absolutely necessary and to wear masks if we are going out in public anywhere. All of this is just so surreal. I keep waiting to wake up, life be normal and think I was just having a dream about zombies, sigh.

I don't really think I have any more to say about the current state we find ourselves in other than that I hope we all get through this safely.

So, on to my nails for today. I chose to do some blooming cherry blossoms since I have had these on my nail to do list for a bit too and just never did them. Now is the perfect time of year to do them especially since we are stuck at home and can't see the real thing too much now. Also, on Thursday when I drove to Mom's I noticed how so much is so pretty blooming and coming to life. I had not been out in a week so a lot of stuff is now in full bloom. The sad part is I feel like I am totally missing this year's Spring, sigh.

My base is Essie "Peak Show". I drew the cherry blossoms and branches with nail art brushes using China Glaze "Community", Essie "Pin Me Pink" and OPI "Alpine Snow". The glitter on my index nails is Broadway Nails Gel Strong "Playground" and on my pinkies and thumbs to finish is Essence Effect "Baby, You're A Firework".  I think these turned out super cute and pretty. They definitely are Springy, that is for sure. Hope you like them as much as I do :)

Peak Show on it's own, love this pale white pink, it's pretty me thinks! 

That's all for today. Have a great rest of your weekend. I'll be watching The Walking Dead marathon that's on all day through this evening here and there, reading and may paint some rocks. Stay safe and healthy my friends. I leave you with Princess Pebbles lying in one of her strange positions. She cracks me up. She's a good girl! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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