Sunday, May 24, 2020

Phases of the Moon

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good weekend. For us here in the USA it's a holiday weekend which means we have a three day weekend from work. I actually went back to working in our office a week ago and it was an adjustment after working from home for 5 weeks due to the pandemic. But, it was good to get back to the physical office to work. 

I haven't been feeling too hot the last several days. My allergies are kicking my butt and I am just feeling run down and crappy from it. This year's allergies are extra worse since we had a really warm and wet rainy Winter, ugh. I suffer badly this time of year and this year is no different, sigh.

So, I haven't done much this weekend. I did go thru and got rid of some some stuff this past week which is always a good feeling. I'm just lately feeling that I am at the point in my life where I need way less stuff and things to be happy (nail polish and acrylic paint aside, lol :) ) I did finally purge most of the music CD's and DVD's I had laying around too. There is no need to keep a bunch of that stuff around any longer in the technical age we are living in. That felt good to purge a bunch of them too! 

Today I have some phases of the moon stamping from a new stamping plate I just recently got. I love the way these turned out and they were super easy to do! I love anything universe/outer space/galaxy/planet/moon and these were too fun to do! Hope you enjoy them too!

My base is OPI "Viking In A Vinter Vonderland". I stamped with Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Heavy Metal" and ZZ Moon plate. I dabbed some OPI "Pirouette My Whistle" on all but the full moon nails and a full coat of it on my thumb nails.

Viking In A Vinter Vonderland on it's own, perfect base for these I think. 

That's it for this week. Have a great rest of the weekend and enjoy the holiday if you celebrate. Talk soon. I leave you King Dino from last year chilling outside. This came up in my Facebook memories a few days ago and decided to share him again on here! He's such a handsome gorgeous cat!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Springy Marbled Green

Happy Caturday My Loves, 

It's the weekend, yay, even though not much going on. Hope you are well, safe and getting through these strange days okay. I am okay and we really have no choice but to just muscle forward.

Today I have some green marble nails. I did these on a silicone mat then used a stamper to transfer them to my nails. My base is Orly "So Fly". I then painted OPI "Alpine Snow" on the mat then did dots on tops of that with Orly "Oh Snap", Essie "Bustling Bazaar" and Finger Paints "Glitz & Glow". I then used a dotting tool to mix the colors a bit then picked up the image on the stamper and stamped it on my nails. The glitter is Color Club "The Plastics". I think these did come out pretty but I do wish that I would have used some different colors to get more contrast in the marble. This was the first time I marbled using this technique so it's a bit of a learning curve. I will do this again in the future. I do like these though. It's a very subtle marble and is pretty I think. Clean up on these were a bit a pain and time consuming but worth it in the end for a cute marble! 

So Fly on it's own. This is from the current Orly Summer collection that is out now. It's super pretty. I love it. 
That's it for today. Have a great weekend. I plan on doing a lot of nothing while binge watching Melrose Place still. I'm on season 4 and there's 7 seasons with 30 some episodes per season so I've got a while to go yet with my binging. Loving watching this all over again since I haven't watched it in so long! 

I leave you with kitties. Here's Princess Pebbles, King Dino and Mr. Kitty being lazy kitties! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Elephants on Pink Parade

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Hope you are well, safe, staying healthy and having a good weekend, if an uneventful one as we are all having I am sure with the pandemic still happening, ugh. I am doing okay, stir crazy, but okay. Our state is slowly reopening thankfully.

It's Mom's Day and normally I would be going to church with her and then hanging out with her but I did see her this past Thursday when I took her and the one dog to the vet and then fed my horse and the cats since I do that every Thursday since my sister works late that day. I told my Mom that I will try to get to church around her birthday the end of June hoping things are more normal by then. I love my Mom so much and she is a great woman. I'll be calling her later on for sure today!

Friday, May 8th, was also what would have been my Dad's 81st birthday. That is a sad day but also a great day since it is his b-day. Dad passed January 6, 2016 and I miss him so much each and every day. I am so thankful and fortunate that I had a dad that I miss more each day since a lot of people do not have that and for that I am truly blessed.

This week I went through my little notebook I keep of nails and nail art that I want to do, it's my Nail To Do book and elephants were in there. I absolutely LOVE elephants, I think they are such a neat, cool and super cute animal so today I decided elephants it would be. My sister-in-law also loves elephants so today I will be dedicating these nails to Sue, who is a super awesome amazing person whom I love dearly. I think these turned out super cute and I love them on their pink background and pink grass parading around. Hope you like them too :)

My base is Essie "Flying Solo". I used a nail art brush with China Glaze "Recycle" and Essie "Free to Roam" to draw the elephants and pink grass. I used a dotting tool with some random black I have to do the eyes. The glitter is a no name, no label that came from a local beauty supply store that I have no idea what it's called since something must have happened to the bottle that I poured it into an empty OPI clear polish bottle. It's a pretty glitter just no clue what it is, lol. On my pinkies and thumbs is a coat of Color Club "Glow Away".

Flyng Solo on it's own. This is one of my new polishes I got recently, love this shade of pink, it's pretty I think! 
That's it for today. Happy  Mom's Day to all the wonderful hardworking loving Momma's out there. You are appreciated and loved dearly. Have a great day. I leave you with my heart kitty, Miss Betty, snuggling and cuddling with her Mommy (me) yesterday. I love this little girl so much. She's my baby girl! Talk to you all next weekend!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Blossoming Trees & Flowers

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Hello my friends. I hope you are still doing well and staying healthy during this time. Things are okay this way. I'm so tired of this "new normal" but what can you do but get thru it. I am very thankful that I still have a job and can work from home. Our state is starting to reopen some areas and places this coming Friday so hopefully now things will get back to a more normalish way of life. We shall see. 

Today's nails I did yesterday of some Spring time blooming flowers and trees. I feel like I am totally missing this year's rebirth of Spring since I've been stuck home so I might as well have some on my nails. I really love the way these turned out and hope you like them too.

My base is Essie "Blue-La-La". I used a slew of polishes that I was too lazy to keep track of to draw the trees and flowers. On my pinkies and index nails is a coat of Color Club "Throwing Shade".

Blue-La-La on it's own, love this shade of light blue 
That's it for today. Have a great rest of the week, talk soon. I leave you with one of my very favorite pictures of Miss Betty. She's so darn cute. I love this little lady so much, she's my heart! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?