Sunday, May 24, 2020

Phases of the Moon

Happy Sunday Loves,

I hope you are well and having a good weekend. For us here in the USA it's a holiday weekend which means we have a three day weekend from work. I actually went back to working in our office a week ago and it was an adjustment after working from home for 5 weeks due to the pandemic. But, it was good to get back to the physical office to work. 

I haven't been feeling too hot the last several days. My allergies are kicking my butt and I am just feeling run down and crappy from it. This year's allergies are extra worse since we had a really warm and wet rainy Winter, ugh. I suffer badly this time of year and this year is no different, sigh.

So, I haven't done much this weekend. I did go thru and got rid of some some stuff this past week which is always a good feeling. I'm just lately feeling that I am at the point in my life where I need way less stuff and things to be happy (nail polish and acrylic paint aside, lol :) ) I did finally purge most of the music CD's and DVD's I had laying around too. There is no need to keep a bunch of that stuff around any longer in the technical age we are living in. That felt good to purge a bunch of them too! 

Today I have some phases of the moon stamping from a new stamping plate I just recently got. I love the way these turned out and they were super easy to do! I love anything universe/outer space/galaxy/planet/moon and these were too fun to do! Hope you enjoy them too!

My base is OPI "Viking In A Vinter Vonderland". I stamped with Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Heavy Metal" and ZZ Moon plate. I dabbed some OPI "Pirouette My Whistle" on all but the full moon nails and a full coat of it on my thumb nails.

Viking In A Vinter Vonderland on it's own, perfect base for these I think. 

That's it for this week. Have a great rest of the weekend and enjoy the holiday if you celebrate. Talk soon. I leave you King Dino from last year chilling outside. This came up in my Facebook memories a few days ago and decided to share him again on here! He's such a handsome gorgeous cat!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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