Saturday, January 23, 2021

Pink Desert Cacti

Happy Caturday My Loves, 

It's the weekend, yay! It was a long week at work so I am so happy it's the weekend time! I don't have anything going on this weekend, who does anymore, lol, so it's a lazy one at home with the cats and I am so okay with that. 

My nails today are some reverse stamped cacti. I did the base on Thursday night then all day yesterday I kept thinking these would be a cute base for some pink desert nails. I was originally going to do a desert landscape on them but then saw these images on one of my plates so went for these super cute and fun cactuses. I do wish the sign that said "free hugs" would have came out clearer but oh well! I still think these are super super cute and am loving them. Hope you do too :) 

My bases are Color Club "Cloud Nine" (pinkies & thumbs), Penelope Luz "Lovely Friends" (ring & index) and K.B. Shimmer "Turning Pointe" (middle). I stamped using B Loves Plates B-mini Cactus Garden plate. I did the outline with Maniology "Straight Up Black" and a slew of polishes I didn't bother writing down to color the images in. I don't have a picture of the bases on their own today since adding the stamping was an afterthought and I haven't been taking photos of my nails when I just do polish with no nail art on them. 

That's it for now. I do have two other manis to share so will do that later today or tomorrow. I leave you with my too cute for words Miss Betty sleeping. She is so cute, I can't handle it :) This little one is my heart and she really is my little baby girl.Talk soon!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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