Saturday, June 12, 2021

Lab Love

Happy Caturday, but today it's a dog day!  Over the years my family has had quite a few Labrador Retrievers. They were all great dogs and I loved each and every one of them dearly and deeply. Mom had them all certified as therapy dogs and each one was a super therapy dog and did a great job at their therapy jobs. Sadly they are all at Rainbow Bridge with my Dad now. Mom currently has a Beagle and a mutt mix of some sort, we really don't know what is in her. It is a bit odd with no Labs currently in the family. I love Labs, they are truly big wonderful, silly, goofy, smart and amazing dogs. 

So, to honor all the Labs that have been in my life I did some Lab nails (finally, they have been on my to do list for a long while now). I did do the second ones last night and was not happy with the outline on the chocolate Lab so I redid them this morning. I am not really sure which mani I like better though now that I see them both. I do like the chocolate outline on the ones I did this morning better. I think they both do say "Lab Love" quite nice either way! 

These are the ones I did this morning. My bases are ILNP "Countdown" (thumb, index & pinkies) and Cupcake Polish "King's Gambit" (middle & ring). I stamped using Born Pretty L016 and Maniology CYO x Maniology M097 plates with Maniology and Hit the Bottle stamping polishes. 

These were my original go at them. I would have loved them had I used a light color to outline the chocolate. Oh well, such is life. My bases are Color Club "Starlight, Star Bright" (pinkie, index & thumb) and Candy Lacquer "Gingerbread Girl" (middle & ring). I stamped using the same Born Pretty L016 and Maniology CYO x Maniology M097 plates with Maniology and Twinkled T stamping polishes. 

Here's a bunch of pics below of the Labs we had in our lives :) Enjoy :) 

This is Gracie here. She was adopted as a senior dog when we lost Harley and was only around for around two years. She was the last dog in Dad's life and I truly believe she was put with our family for a reason with Dad being sick and dying with cancer then. She was so gentle and good . She got bone cancer a little less than a year after Dad passed. It was so sad when we lost her. She was so good! That's my mom and her in the third picture below.

This is Harley, my family had her for a good long time too. She was also a therapy dog and a good one. She was a total sweetheart and a really good dog. This is me below with her.

This is Buddy, my family had him for many a years. He was a great dog, my favorite of them all. He was also a top therapy dog. My mom did over 700 visits to old folks homes, hospitals and rehab centers with him. He excelled at therapy dog work. He had so much personality. He was the world's BEST dog ever! This is him and mom in the one below picture after she had a hip replacement and had to use a walker while recovering. You can see how he was so devoted and paying attention to her. He also had this old horse water bucket that he absolutely loved. It was one of his most prized possessions, he loved that bucket :) 

This is Dash, another one of the family Labs. He was a really nice dog but we unfortunately only had him around a year. He got really sick with pancreatitis and pneumonia and went down quick. It was very sad but glad we had him the time we did. 

Here is a collage picture with Buddy and our two Chocolate Labs we had named Alex and Equus. They were both therapy dogs and were wonderful good dogs too. I spent a few hours today going thru old pictures to find these and boy did a lot of good memories and smiles come to me this afternoon while doing that of not just the dogs but so many memories :) 

That's it for today. Have a great rest of the weekend, talk soon! Hope you enjoyed my dog nails and all the dog pictures :) 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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