Sunday, June 12, 2022

Books & Cats, Cats & Books & Tea

Happy Sunday loves, 

Quick post today. I'm suffering with a terrible sinus headache. 

Yesterday I went with my sister and cousin to a book store that has resident cats and adoptable cats in the store. I decided to do some cats and books (with some tea thrown in) for the occasion. I should have done the cats a different color but I wanted them black cats so they are a bit hard to see. Anyways, I still think these turned out super cute 😍 

My bases are Night Owl Lacquer Delicate Arch (holo) and Zombie Claw Tania (flakie). I stamped using Maniology MXM075 and Uber Chic Cozy At Home plates with different stamping polishes. 

Here are two of the resident cats there. Not the best pics, they were hard to get pics of, lol.

Here is part of the wall outside. It's painted like books and it's awesome!
Have a great Sunday, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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