Wednesday, June 15, 2022

To Jurassic Park We Go

Happy Wednesday my loves, 

We made it to Hump Day, yay! Tonight after work I will be doing my volunteering at a horse show and I am looking foward to seeing my horse friends! 

Today I have some awesome Jurassic Park nails to share with you. I have not seen the new movie yet. I will wait until it comes to a streaming platform and watch it then. I am completely in love with the way these turned out. They are so good, hope you like them too :) 

My bases are Great Lakes Lacquer OH Deer! Okaay! (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Stressed, Blessed and Fall Obsessed (flakie). I stamped using MoYou London Jurassic Park 01 and 02 plates with different stamping polishes. 

There you have my Jurassic Park nails. Although if Jurassic Park was a real park I would never probably go. I would be way too terrified to go even though I do love dinosaurs. 

Have a great Hump Day, talk soon. I leave you with my cousin, Jesse's, old man kitty, Widge. He is such a sweet cute old guy :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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