Thursday, September 28, 2023

Happy 9 Year Blogiversary/B-day Melly's Musings!!

Hello my loves, 

Today marks nine years officially since I began this blog and posting my nails regularly on the interwebs! Crazy to think I've been doing this for that long. Where does the time go!!!! I post my nails here along with Facebook (I'm old, so, yes, I still use FB) and Instagram. I will continue posting to those along with this blog as I like to have my pics in one easily searchable place. So, here's to another 9 years of my nails and posting them. I went back to my first post and the very first time I ever stamped and reverse stamped my nails and wow, how far I have come in my stamping skills! 

Over the years I have done some pretty good, in my opinion, at least free hand nail art. Once I started to get really into stamping and good at it my free hand went by the way side and now I only stamp since it looks way better and I am truly a stamping addict now days, lol. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE stamping my nails! It's fun! 

After these nails for fun I have some of my old manis to show how much my nail skills have improved. It was fun going back and looking at these :) 

So for my blogiversary nails I did these too cute spooky cupcakes. I'm in love ๐Ÿงก

My bases are Great Lakes Lacquer Strength Untold (pink shimmer) and Bluebird Lacquer Here For the Boos (magnetic). I stamped using Hit the Bottle Dreadful Delights and Apipla Confectionery plates with different stamping polishes. 

Here's some old pics for fun :) 

This was my picture from my very first post on 9/28/2014. I did a lot of dotticures back then, they are easy and are hard to mess up. They were good for my first adventures into the world of nail art. 
Here is one of my favorite free hands I did way back on 10/5/2017 of some too cute foxes when I was still doing everything free hand on my nails. 

These are from the first time I stamped 10/18/2015! I was pretty terrible back then, ha ha. But, we all have to start somewhere.
My first go at reverse stamping from 8/2/2020. Again, pretty terrible, but practice does make perfect. 
Here are some reverse stamped nails from 11/15/2022. I've gotten so good at stamping since I first began if I do say so myself :) I loved these Fall nails last year! 
There you have my spooky blogiversary/b-day nails plus a bit of trip down memory lane with my nails. 

Talk soon, have a great day and here's to another 9 years of Smelly Melly nails!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, September 23, 2023

It's Fall....Jack o' Lanterns

Happy First Day of Fall!!!!

It's Fall yay!!! I love Fall and I love Halloween so decided on some Jack o' Lanterns for the first official day of Fall nails. I am absolutely in love with these. They make me ridiculously happy ๐ŸŽƒ

My bases are Potion Polish Sunbaked 2.0 (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Frontierland (flakie). I stamped using Lina Spookalicious 01 and Lantern and Wren Haunted Halloween plates with different stamping polishes. 

I am kind of bummed that we canceled the horse show today due to the heavy continual rain we are going to get all weekend, but I really cannot complain at all since we need this rain so badly as we are in a pretty bad rain deficit. 

Talk soon. Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall!!!

Happy Sunday loves,

Hello friends, I hope you are well and having a good weekend. I am. Yesterday Casey and myself did some stuff at the horse show grounds for the last show of the season next weekend, then I went to my brother's with my mom for a little cookout for his birthday.  Today my cousin and me are going to a little historical day at a park that was once a major trading hub in our area. I haven't been in many years so very much looking forward to it!

Today I have some super fun and quirky Humpty Dumpty nails. I think these are too cute and I do indeed love me some fun puns ๐Ÿ™‚

My bases are Glisten and Glow Tinley Park After Dark (shimmer) and Cuticula Flames of A Phoenix (flakie). I stamped using Uber Chic I Always Fall For Autumn plate with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great Sunday, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Vintage TV Sets & Chair

Happy Caturday loves, 

Super quick post today. I've been dealing with bad sinus headaches off and on the last several days so I'm not feeling 100%. Today I had the monthly cat and dog vaccine clinic I volunteer at and tomorrow have a horse show I am volunteering at so trying to get rid of this headache now, ugh. It's that time of year again, ick. 

Tonight I have some cute old school TV sets and a chair to watch them in. Growing up we had TVs like this in our home. They were so fun with the rabbit ear antennas, having to hit the side of the set to get it to come in clear and, gasp, having to get up to change the channel to one of the 3 or 4 channels we had. Oh, the good old days, lol!

My bases are Kathleen & Co. In Another World (purple) and K.B Shimmer So Impatiens (pink). I stamped using The Stamping Shop Collab 80's Movies, Uber Chic Cozy At Home and MoYou Back To the Future 50's 01 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great night, talk soon ๐Ÿ˜˜ 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Spooky Labor Day Cookout

Happy Labor Day Weekend/start of Spooky and Fall season, YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!

Hello friends, it's September which means it's unofficially officially Falloween time. It's my favorite time of the year. So, for today I decided to do some spooky cookout nails. I love these and they totally have me in the mood for all thing Falloween now, yay! They came out so cute I think!

My bases are Pahlish Delivery By Broomstick (shimmer) and Different Dimension Written In the Stars (flakie). I stamped using Uber Chic 4th of July Kawaii, Halloween 08, Pretty BP-L057, Lantern and Wren Dab To the Bone, Nicole Diary L12 and Candy Skull M-003 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great weekend and Labor Day. Today Casey and I are hanging with friends for a crab fest, tomorrow it's a family reunion with his family then Monday I am just chilling before the work week. 

Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?