Saturday, September 9, 2023

Vintage TV Sets & Chair

Happy Caturday loves, 

Super quick post today. I've been dealing with bad sinus headaches off and on the last several days so I'm not feeling 100%. Today I had the monthly cat and dog vaccine clinic I volunteer at and tomorrow have a horse show I am volunteering at so trying to get rid of this headache now, ugh. It's that time of year again, ick. 

Tonight I have some cute old school TV sets and a chair to watch them in. Growing up we had TVs like this in our home. They were so fun with the rabbit ear antennas, having to hit the side of the set to get it to come in clear and, gasp, having to get up to change the channel to one of the 3 or 4 channels we had. Oh, the good old days, lol!

My bases are Kathleen & Co. In Another World (purple) and K.B Shimmer So Impatiens (pink). I stamped using The Stamping Shop Collab 80's Movies, Uber Chic Cozy At Home and MoYou Back To the Future 50's 01 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great night, talk soon 😘 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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