Monday, June 29, 2015

More Brush Nails

Happy Monday!

It's Monday, yay (insert snark)!  My Monday wasn't too bad today actually, that was nice.  I have been going to take care of my sister's and my horse twice a day now since last week when my Mom popped her hip out and since my sister is still out of commission with hurting her knee and Dad recovering from his surgery, there's just myself and my nephew to help right now.  It's a lot of running since I am going out before work and after, but, I am really enjoying seeing my horse every day and I think that Dusty is happy to see me too every day.  Hopefully my sister will be able to help more in a few weeks, but, till then it's me and Jared, my nephew, the other horse kid in the family.

Dad is back in the hospital since Friday, he got dehydrated and has a bladder infection, some of this his fault tho' cuz' he wasn't listening and drinking the cranberry juice and Gatorade like the docs told him.  Hopefully he can come back home tomorrow.  If you pray, please pray and keep my family in your prayers, it's been pretty crazy, but, we'll get thru this like everything else we do. 

Onto the nails, this is the last in my little brush series I was doing for now.  For these nails I did my standard base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Laced Up" on all nails, then I dabbed the following polishes on my accent nails, China Glaze "Sun Upon My Skin", China Glaze "Feel The Breeze" and China Glaze "Re-Fresh Mint".  I then did one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow (linear & scattered) on my brushed accents, then one coat of Ozotic "Sugar 901" on the rest of my nails, then finished them all off with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry.  I like the effect this brush had on these, they were cute.
Here's the brush I used to dab the polish on with. I put a few drops of polish on my plate, then dipped the brush in the polish, then dabbed it on my nails.  I cleaned the brush with acetone when I was done. 
                                                           Polishes Used
Bonder, China Glaze "Laced Up", "Feel The Breeze", "Re-Fresh Mint", Ozotic "Sugar 901", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite fast dry
That's it for now.  I do have two more glitter manis to get up this week sometime and I do have a July 4th mani in mind as well .  Have a great rest of Monday.  I am just relaxing till bedtime and reading my book the rest of the night.  I am tired from taking hay over to the barn tonight from the hay shed.  So glad this is a short work week this week.  I have off for the 4th on Friday, can't wait for a day off, going to spend it at Mom and Dad's and get some stuff done in the barn like brush the boys, clean up the barn some and take the rest of the hay over to the barn.  Then I think Casey and I may go to Potter County for the weekend, not sure yet tho' for sure if we are doing that, if not I'll have people over and have a cook out and then go see Harrisburg's fireworks.

I leave with one of my favorite pics of all time of Dusty and me and one of Dream, my sister's horse and Dusty.

Dusty getting a kiss from me.  I love this picture so much, it's cute I think and he's such a handsome boy too.
Dream  & Dusty
 Polish & Whinnies,


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dab Brush Nails

Happy Tuesday!

Good evening my loves!  Holy moly, I'm posting two nights in a row, see, I said I'd do another post tonight and here I am with it, yay, blog goal accomplished, yay, this makes me happy  :) 

For these nails I used an old eyeliner or lip liner brush, not sure which it is and dabbed the polish onto my nails to create this look.  I really dig the way these turned out, they totally remind me of a swimming pool liner.  This was the first time I used a brush like this and will most definitely be doing more manis like this one for sure, it was pretty! 

I started with a base of Orly Bonder on all nails, then two coats of OPI "Keeping Suzi At Bay" on all nails.  I then used the first color I chose, Essie "Avenue Maintain" and dropped some polish on my plate, dipped the brush in the polish, then dabbed the polish onto my nails, I did each of my accent nails with the first color, then I repeated this with the next two colors which were Loreal "Royally Yours" and China Glaze "Bahamian Escape".  I then put one coat of Pure Ice "Hey Baby" on all nails, then finished with a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat on all nails.  These were really easy to do and not a whole lot of cleanup needed when I was done. Here they are, check them out!  I love them and they make me want to go swimming now!

See what I mean about them looking like a pool liner.  I LOVE the way these came out, so cool looking!
 Here's the brush I used and my plate I put polish on for doing nail art.

                                                              Polishes Used:
Bonder, OPI "Keeping Suzi At Bay", China Glaze "Bahamian Escape", Essie "Avenue Maintain", Loreal "Royally Yours", Pure Ice "Hey Baby", Seche Vite Quick Dry
Keeping Suzi At Bay on it's own.  I just got this over the weekend when Sally Beauty had their extra 50% off of all marked down clearance stuff.  I passed on this when it came out in the San Francisco collection, but, for $2.25 I wasn't passing on it this time.  I love this blue and am happy it's in my collection now. 

That's it for tonight's installment of my brush art series.  I did do a new brush mani tonight that I'll try to post tomorrow night, but, am not promising since I am hanging out with my friend Casey tomorrow night, so, if not then, I'll post them Thursday night.  I am so happy that I am back to giving my blog the regular love it deserves again, yay :) 

Have a great rest of the night. Talk to you soon and I leave you with, what else, but, some kitties! 

Mr. Kitty and  Buster
Mr. Kitty and Betty
Polish & Purrs,


Monday, June 22, 2015

Brush Swirl Nails

Happy Monday Friends, 

It's Monday!  I will never ever get where the weekends go, where do they go, LOL!!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I sure did, went and hung out at friends on Saturday, then went to see my parents and sister yesterday.  Dad is home from the hospital now after his colon cancer surgery and wonderful news, they think they got all the cancer, yay!  He will be on chemo still in case there are any floater cancer cells in his body, but, as of now I am very happy that Dad came thru this surgery alright.  He's in pain, not comfortable and pretty miserable, hope he starts to feel better soon.  It's so hard seeing him go thru this.  He's a toughie tho'.

I know I had my goal set of posting these nails on Friday night, but, didn't get to.  I was hanging out with my friend, Casey, and just didn't have a chance to, but, I have them now, better late than never, LOL  :)  I did a brush swirl for these nails, the next in my brush art series, where I put drops of polish randomly on my nail, then take a nail art brush and swirl the colors together on the nail.  They look really cool and this is really easy nail art to do also.  I love brush swirled nails, they are so pretty! 

I started with a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of OPI "Skating On Thin Iceland" on all nails, then on my ring and accent nails I did some drops of OPI "That's Hot Pink!" and a no name snowman polish that I then used my brush to swirl the polish together.  I then put one coat of KB Shimmer "Prism Break" on all nails, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat on all nails to finish them off.  I then cleaned my brush with acetone and cleaned up any polish I got around my nails with some acetone also.  Here they are, I love them, so pretty and so easy to do! 

                                                            Polishes Used:
Orly Bonder, OPI "Skating On Thin Iceland", OPI "That's Hot Pink!", no name snowman, KB Shimmer "Prism Break", Seche Vite Quick Dry
Here is the brush I used to swirl my colors together.
Skating On Thin Iceland on it's own
That's it for my nails for today.  I did do some more brush art nails yesterday that I will post tomorrow night whenever I get home from going to my parents to help with the horses and barn work. 

I leave you with my little cutie patootie baby bear kitty, Miss Betty, she's my heart, this one, and she's just entirely too cute.  Some days I can't handle her cute :) Look at her, the cutie!!! 
Have a great rest of the night!  I am going to take a nice relaxing bath with one of my awesome bath bombs and catch up on reading some nail blogs the rest of the night.  I'll talk to you all tomorrow night when I post my next brush art mani, which I love, they came out really pretty! 

Polish & Purrs, 


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Distressed/Grunge/Dry Brush Nails

Happy Thursday Friends,

Holy Moly, I am doing a second post this week since my last post Monday night.  I actually have just one mani to show tonight instead of a spam post of several manis.  This is good, I am on my way back to more regular posts once again on my blog, yay :)  I also have tonight's nails that I did that I am shooting to post tomorrow night, yay! 

I said in my last post about my Dad having his colon cancer surgery Monday during the day and it went well, well, the docs think that they got all the cancer out of him.  That makes me so happy and relieved.  He'll still do chemo to make sure there's no floater cells still around but, this is a pretty positive outlook especially considering my Dad is 76.  Hopefully he can go home this weekend, depends on when he stops vomiting and when his bowels begin to work again.  I haven't seen him yet in the hospital.  I've been sick the last week and a half with a nasty head and chest cold that I am pretty sure has turned into bronchitis now,, antibiotics it is.  My sister is also out of commission currently since she fell a couple weeks ago in the barn and messed up her knee, so, now it's Mom feeding and taking care of my horse and my sister's horse while Tina recovers.  I've been trying to go help some days and will be helping more days next week, so, life is busy right now, but, still good, really good!

The nails I have today are called distressed, grunge or dry brush, it's pretty much the same technique, just different names for this technique.  For these nails I did a base of Orly "Thrill Seeker" from their current summer collection.  I love this crazy bright highlighter green polish.  It's super bright outside.  I love it, it's awesome, you should go get it now if you like bright polishes.  Anywhoze, I did my standard base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of "Thrill Seeker" on all nails. I then used China Glaze "Sun Worshiper", China Glaze "DJ Blue My Mind" and China Glaze "Shocking Pink" for my accent nails brushed on. To do this, I put a dab of my first color on a paper plate, then dipped my brush in the polish, then tapped most of the polish off on the plate, then lightly brushed that on each accent nail. You want very little polish on the brush so you can create this look.  I then did the same thing with the next two colors on all my accents.  I did clean my brush with acetone between polish colors. I then painted a coat of an unknown green sparkle on top of all nails, then finished all my nails off with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry and I was done.  

I love the way these turned out and the colors look really pretty together I think.  I really enjoyed these nails, they were fun to wear and to look at, that green, I LOVE it :)  
Here is Thrill Seeker on it's own, isn't this an amazing bright green? I think so :) 
Here is the brush I used to do the dry brushing on and my plate that I put polish on when I do nail art.  Seeing all the colors on this plate make me happy!

                                                             Polishes Used: 
Orly Bonder, Orly "Thrill Seeker", China Glaze "DJ Blue My Mind", China Glaze "Sun Worshiper", China Glaze "Shocking Pink", unknown green sparkle, Seche Vite Quick Dry
Have a great rest of Friday Eve, tomorrow is Friday, yay!  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post my next brush nail art with the brush swirl nails I did tonight. The next few manis I have in mind are all going to be done with brushes, so, I'll call this my brush art series :)

I leave you with Mr. Kitty.  This cat has so much personality and loves everyone.  When friends come over EVERYONE is there to see Mr. Kitty and Mr. Kitty only, it's cute, he's cute, my Mr. Kitty :) 

Polish & Purrs,



Monday, June 15, 2015

Mani Monday Mani Spam

Happy Monday Friends, 

I know, I know, I was going to start posting more regularly again and that hasn't happened yet.  I will get back to more regular soon I hope.  Life has been a whirlwind of life, all good for the most part, yay.

Today my Dad got his colon cancer tumor surgery and he came thru that good.  He'll be in the hospital for most of the week and hopefully back home by the end of this week.  Here's to hoping and praying to the burniverse that his cancer is gone.  I will update when we know more, but, right now I am very relieved he got thru the surgery okay.  This is so hard seeing my Dad go thru this, he's my Daddy and I love him.

Life has been really good lately and I am truly the happiest I've been in a long time now, yay :)

So, with my lack of posts, I bring you some of the nails I wore in the last two weeks since my last Mani Monday post.  Here you go :) 

 Bold & The Beautiful on it's own

This mani I used a base of Ruby Kisses "Bold & The Beautiful" with Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Fa-la-la-lavender" for my accent nails and a coat of Pretty & Polished "Halo TC" top coat on the rest. 
This mani I did a base of China Glaze "Boho Blues" (here on it's own) with an accent nail of KB Shimmer "Breakin' Hex & Cashin' Checks" on my accents and one coat of Pretty & Polished "Halo TC" top coat on the rest. 
Here I used a base of Color Club "Meet Me At The Rink", here on it's own and then I did a splatter mani using OPI "Hello Hawaii Ya?" and OPI "Shorts Story" on my accents, then finished the rest off with a mix of sparkles that I made that I call my Melly Mix.  I love this light blue, it's pastel and bright at the same time and I LOVE splatter manis, they are one of my favorites to do and so easy to do too.

That's it for my Mani Monday post.  I really do want to and am going to really try to get back to some of my routines once more again and more regular blogging is one of those routines I need to get back to.  Haven't been doing my nails quite as often a week as I have in the past but, that is okay, I am having fun, living and loving life to the fullest :) 

I leave you with my friend, yeah, we'll call him that, Casey and his cat, Gypsy, when he brought her to my apartment for a play date with my cats.  She hissed most of the time, yet, also made herself comfy too as you can see in these pics, LOL.  

                                                                Casey & Gypsy
Valerie and Gypsy

Isn't Gypsy a really pretty cat and she knows it too!!!

That's it, talk to you all soon, I promise it will be sooner than two weeks next time, I promise :) 

Polish, Purrs & Peace,
