Monday, June 22, 2015

Brush Swirl Nails

Happy Monday Friends, 

It's Monday!  I will never ever get where the weekends go, where do they go, LOL!!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I sure did, went and hung out at friends on Saturday, then went to see my parents and sister yesterday.  Dad is home from the hospital now after his colon cancer surgery and wonderful news, they think they got all the cancer, yay!  He will be on chemo still in case there are any floater cancer cells in his body, but, as of now I am very happy that Dad came thru this surgery alright.  He's in pain, not comfortable and pretty miserable, hope he starts to feel better soon.  It's so hard seeing him go thru this.  He's a toughie tho'.

I know I had my goal set of posting these nails on Friday night, but, didn't get to.  I was hanging out with my friend, Casey, and just didn't have a chance to, but, I have them now, better late than never, LOL  :)  I did a brush swirl for these nails, the next in my brush art series, where I put drops of polish randomly on my nail, then take a nail art brush and swirl the colors together on the nail.  They look really cool and this is really easy nail art to do also.  I love brush swirled nails, they are so pretty! 

I started with a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of OPI "Skating On Thin Iceland" on all nails, then on my ring and accent nails I did some drops of OPI "That's Hot Pink!" and a no name snowman polish that I then used my brush to swirl the polish together.  I then put one coat of KB Shimmer "Prism Break" on all nails, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat on all nails to finish them off.  I then cleaned my brush with acetone and cleaned up any polish I got around my nails with some acetone also.  Here they are, I love them, so pretty and so easy to do! 

                                                            Polishes Used:
Orly Bonder, OPI "Skating On Thin Iceland", OPI "That's Hot Pink!", no name snowman, KB Shimmer "Prism Break", Seche Vite Quick Dry
Here is the brush I used to swirl my colors together.
Skating On Thin Iceland on it's own
That's it for my nails for today.  I did do some more brush art nails yesterday that I will post tomorrow night whenever I get home from going to my parents to help with the horses and barn work. 

I leave you with my little cutie patootie baby bear kitty, Miss Betty, she's my heart, this one, and she's just entirely too cute.  Some days I can't handle her cute :) Look at her, the cutie!!! 
Have a great rest of the night!  I am going to take a nice relaxing bath with one of my awesome bath bombs and catch up on reading some nail blogs the rest of the night.  I'll talk to you all tomorrow night when I post my next brush art mani, which I love, they came out really pretty! 

Polish & Purrs, 


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