Monday, June 29, 2015

More Brush Nails

Happy Monday!

It's Monday, yay (insert snark)!  My Monday wasn't too bad today actually, that was nice.  I have been going to take care of my sister's and my horse twice a day now since last week when my Mom popped her hip out and since my sister is still out of commission with hurting her knee and Dad recovering from his surgery, there's just myself and my nephew to help right now.  It's a lot of running since I am going out before work and after, but, I am really enjoying seeing my horse every day and I think that Dusty is happy to see me too every day.  Hopefully my sister will be able to help more in a few weeks, but, till then it's me and Jared, my nephew, the other horse kid in the family.

Dad is back in the hospital since Friday, he got dehydrated and has a bladder infection, some of this his fault tho' cuz' he wasn't listening and drinking the cranberry juice and Gatorade like the docs told him.  Hopefully he can come back home tomorrow.  If you pray, please pray and keep my family in your prayers, it's been pretty crazy, but, we'll get thru this like everything else we do. 

Onto the nails, this is the last in my little brush series I was doing for now.  For these nails I did my standard base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Laced Up" on all nails, then I dabbed the following polishes on my accent nails, China Glaze "Sun Upon My Skin", China Glaze "Feel The Breeze" and China Glaze "Re-Fresh Mint".  I then did one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow (linear & scattered) on my brushed accents, then one coat of Ozotic "Sugar 901" on the rest of my nails, then finished them all off with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry.  I like the effect this brush had on these, they were cute.
Here's the brush I used to dab the polish on with. I put a few drops of polish on my plate, then dipped the brush in the polish, then dabbed it on my nails.  I cleaned the brush with acetone when I was done. 
                                                           Polishes Used
Bonder, China Glaze "Laced Up", "Feel The Breeze", "Re-Fresh Mint", Ozotic "Sugar 901", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite fast dry
That's it for now.  I do have two more glitter manis to get up this week sometime and I do have a July 4th mani in mind as well .  Have a great rest of Monday.  I am just relaxing till bedtime and reading my book the rest of the night.  I am tired from taking hay over to the barn tonight from the hay shed.  So glad this is a short work week this week.  I have off for the 4th on Friday, can't wait for a day off, going to spend it at Mom and Dad's and get some stuff done in the barn like brush the boys, clean up the barn some and take the rest of the hay over to the barn.  Then I think Casey and I may go to Potter County for the weekend, not sure yet tho' for sure if we are doing that, if not I'll have people over and have a cook out and then go see Harrisburg's fireworks.

I leave with one of my favorite pics of all time of Dusty and me and one of Dream, my sister's horse and Dusty.

Dusty getting a kiss from me.  I love this picture so much, it's cute I think and he's such a handsome boy too.
Dream  & Dusty
 Polish & Whinnies,


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