Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy Twenty-Sixteen!

Happy Twenty-Sixteen Friends!

Hope you all had a great NYE and New Year's day.  My NYE was very uneventful, Casey and I stayed in and watched the Walking Dead marathon and the ball drop and went to bed around 12:15 AM, so exciting right :)   Then we had some friends and my sister over for pork and sauerkraut for New Year's day since pork and sauerkraut is a New Year must for good luck :)  It was really nice, I had a lot of fun hanging out and eating and I did need that really bad.  My Dad has been in the hospital all week, he was really dehydrated and his kidneys were not functioning and he fell in the bathroom Sunday/Monday and was taken then to the hospital, so, it's been hard.  Seeing him go thru this and his health failing is so difficult to see, it sucks and the tumor on his lung is terminal and now they can't even do any surgery because his heart couldn't take it.  He's going home this Monday or Tuesday and from here it will just be a day to day thing and doing all they can to keep him comfortable.  Cancer sucks and this really sucks cuz' we were so hopeful after he had his colon cancer surgery and he was doing/feeling better, then they found this tumor on his lung, sigh.  So, I spent a lot of NYE day/night crying and haven't been sleeping well either.  I know the inevitable is coming and there really is just no way in the world to prepare yourself for your Daddy not being here anymore.  Life will never be the same for me once he goes, I love my Dad so much and he's a really great Dad and a good person and this sucks, it just sucks.  Please keep my Dad, Mom, me and my family in your thoughts and prayers, we can all really use the prayers and positive thoughts right now. Thank you!

For my NYE nails I used a base of LA Girl "Tart" and stamped some fireworks with a Born Pretty plate using a silver Finger Paints polish then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of them all.  Here they are. I didn't take any pics of Tart on it's own as that is going to the purge pile since I have so many others similar to it :)  Here you go.

There you go, my NYE nails.  I do like the way they turned out, sparkly and pretty :) 

I don't have much more to say right now, going to see Dad in a bit at the hospital and I've just felt so sad with this. I'll talk to you all soon.  Here's a cute pic of Miss Gyspy (Casey's kitty) looking too cute sleeping :)  She's a good girl. 

Have a great rest of the day!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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