Sunday, February 21, 2016

Snowy Snowmen

Happy Happy Walking Dead Day, Yay!!!!!

Hello my friends, hope you are all good on this fine Sunday.  It's Walking Dead day, need I say more, LOL :)  

Last week was Oh Em Walking Dead, the mid-season premiere was SO GOOD, so much happened, it was so exciting and just so good.  In my opinion this was def. one of the best season premieres ever, it was so good.  I do indeed love me some Walking Dead, that's for sure.  I can't wait for tonight's episode to come on. And, super exciting, my sister gave me an early birthday gift (my b-day is in April) yesterday which is a Daryl Dixon throw, it's so cool and I love it :)  Also the season 2 premiere of Better Call Saul, the spin off of Breaking Bad, was on last Monday night and it was really good too.  I am excited to see how season 2 plays out.  The first season was pretty good and am hoping that the second season is good too.  So, on to the nails!!!  Today I have some really cute snowmen nails I did a couple weeks ago.  I love how they came out, they are so cute I think.

My base for these was China Glaze "X-Ta-Sea" with China Glaze "Chillin' With My Snow-mies" as my glitter accent. I used black and white nail art stripers to draw the snowmen and some nail art brushes to add the eyes, nose and buttons.  I didn't write down the polishes I used for the rest of the snowmen not done with the stripers.  I put on coat of a Melly Mix on all my non glitter nails to finish. I love, love, love these so much and really enjoyed wearing my snowmen for a few days :)  I took some pics with two of my favorite body butters that I get from a seller on Etsy and with a snowmen candy jar and cookie jar I have.  I liked these as nail pic props.

X-Ta-Sea on it's own.  I love this polish, it's really pretty and I just love purples!!!
Two of my butters from the shop on Etsy that is my favorite, Rachael has such awesome products, I've loved everything I've gotten from there, here's the link to her shop:
That's all for today.  I am just chilling today, reading a book, reading some nail blogs, writing this post :) and cuddling with Casey and the kitties.  I am a bit hurting today from putting away horse feed and bags of horse bedding yesterday so my back is ouch, so, taking it easy the rest of the day and then it's Walking Dead tonight, yay :)

Have a great rest of the day and I'll talk to you soon.  Here's Dino looking cute and handsome.  Dino is a really cool cat, he's just plain cool, he's a buddy and loves to snuggle too.  I heart him hard :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Walker Love!!

 Happy Dead Day Ya'll!!!

Yay, it's finally here, Walking Dead Day once again! Tonight is the mid-season premiere and I am so super excited for tonight and then Talking Dead is back on too, all the yays!!!  My Sunday nights are once again complete :) 

Since it is Valentines Day too, what could be more appropriate for today than some Walker Love nails, yay :)  I started with a base of China Glaze "S'more Fun", then did the glitter accent with Broadway " Full of Stars", I stamped with Konad black stamping polish and used Uber Chic's "Zombie Love" plate for the stamped nails then used a nail art brush to do the I heart walkers.  I put one coat of China Glaze "Golden Enchantment" on the stamped and love walkers nails and one coat of CND Effects "Jade Sparkle" on the rest and was good to go. I love these walker love nails, they are fun for the day, yay :)

The lighter my BFF got me as a gift and the rest of the WD stuff was all gifts too.  I love Rick Grimes shooting the gingerbread man, it's funny :) I am going to zombie that gingerbread man too, just haven't had a chance to yet :)  Here you go, enjoy.

S'more Fun on it's own, this is the perfect zombie green, I love it :) 

Here are some of my Walking Dead and zombie swag I own, everything was given to me as gifts over the years and I love it all :) I also have a zombie plush pony that one of my besties gave me, but, not sure where that guy is right now.  Have to find him now, LOL :) 

That's about it for today.  We are in a serious deep freeze right now with the weather, I think the high today is about 16, it sucks.  I hate the cold, brrrrrr.....will be posting some really adorable snowmen nails I did last week in the next couple of days.  I am just spending the rest of today watching The Walking Dead marathon till it's time tonight, yay :)  Stay warm and I'll talk to you soon, soon, soon :)

Here's some pics of Miss Betty and Miss Gypsy :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Because I Love You!

Happy Caturday All,

Hope you are having a good weekend so far, mine's been okay.  Just chilled, cuddled with Betty on the couch and watched some Walking Dead marathon, yay :)  Casey went out for a boys night last night so I was on my own.  So happy that we are officially in Walker Love weekend, yay, Walking Dead comes back on tomorrow night for the mid-season premiere and I can't wait.  Going to be doing some walker love nails for tomorrow since it is Valentines Day and walker love day too, yay!!!!  So, for today I have two love based manis that I did this last week simply 'cuz I love you ;)

For these I did a base here of OPI "Shorts Story" with Maybelline Color Show "Rose Bling" for the glitter accent, then stamped the hearts from Winstonia plate W207 with an unknown OPI mini bottle of red, they don't put names on the minis so I don't know which one it was, then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and one coat of Color Club "Bright Knight, Big City" on the other nails.

Shorts Story, I love this one, always has, OPI does do wonderful cremes.
 Then, for these nails I used a base of LA Girl "Vinyl Record", then did my glitter accent with an unknown beauty supply store glitter and then stamped with Konad white stamping polish from Winstonia plates W207 and W102, then one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and one coat of Misa "Sweet Pleasure" on the rest.
Vinyl Record, it's pretty.
 There you have my love themed nails, until tomorrow that is, when I show my walker love nails, yay, so excited.  Enjoy the rest of your Caturday and I'll talk to you tomorrow.  I've not got much planned today but some more purging and some random stuff around home.  We are also in a deep, deep freeze that may break records not around for 100 years, yikes, so, if you are in this deep freeze, please stay safe and warm.

Here's some kitty love for you on this fine Caturday too.  Talk soon :)
Gypsy and Mr. Kitty
Mr. Kitty and Dino

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Pink Galaxies & Bows

Happy, Happy, Hello Friends!!

It's Friday eve, yay :)  So looking forward to the weekend.  It's been a long week, but, it's also gone quickly too, so, yay to that.  I don't have much planned at all for this weekend other than doing some cleaning, purging and organizing some stuff around home.  I haven't purged anything for awhile and the urge to purge is upon me so got to do some then. Today I have two manis I did sometime in the month of January in the week or two after Dad died and didn't get around to posting yet.  The first one is some galaxy nails I did in pink.  I love them in pink.  Galaxy nails are fun to do, all the sparkle and easy, just sponge a bunch of pretty colors on your nails till you get the look you are happy with, one of my favorite looks for nails.  Then I did some stamping with some bows on the second ones I did.  Hope you like them!

I used a base of China Glaze "Escaping Reality" then sponged a slew of different polishes on to create the galaxies, then did a coat of Pretty & Polished "Halo TC" on top of the non-galaxies.  I didn't write down the polishes I sponged onto my nails for the galaxies tho', but, trust me, it was a lot of different ones :)  I love doing galaxy nails so much, they are so freaking pretty looking and it's kinda hard to mess them up :)

Escaping Reality on it's own.  I love bright happy berry shades like this, they are pretty! 
For my bow nails, I did a base of Essie "Garden Variety" with glitter accent of China Glaze "I Soiree I Didn't Do It", then stamped using Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and Born Pretty plate BP-62, then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a coat of Maybelline "Crystal Disguise" on the rest. I failed to take a pic of Garden Variety on it's own, boo, but, you can totally see it's true color here anyways and aren't these bows so dang adorable, I love them :)

That's all I got for now, feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and today, feel like I am getting a stupid head cold, blurgh, 'tis the season, and kinda just want to sleep, ugh.  Talk to you soon and with this post I am finally all caught up with my blog posts once again, yay :)

I leave you with bratty Buster sittin'pretty :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kitty Cat Love

Happy Hump Day Love Bugs,

How is everyone doing?  I hope groovy!!  I am okay, it's really rainy here, but, I'll take it cuz' it could be snow and I am over snow after our last blizzard,, I don't really buy into the whole Valentine's Day thing, I think it's pretty dumb and that you should show the ones you love special love anytime, it's more fun and surprising on just a day, not on some dumb commercialized day because society and consumerism says so, ugh, so, I already told Casey that I don't expect anything on V-day at all and him not to either cuz' of the way I am not into Valentine's Day at all. That being said, I am SO looking forward to this V-Day totally cuz' it's the day that Walking Dead's mid-season premiere comes on and I can't wait!!!  I've been going thru some serious walker withdrawal and am so ready for my Sundays to once again be Happy Dead Day, Yay!!!  Soon, oh, so soon, yay!!!  And even tho' I am not into V-Day I will do a mani or two involving hearts just cuz' I love hearts and I do love all the pinks and reds of the holiday, so, you'll get a heart of two mani between now and Happy Dead Day :) Thinking zombies and love will end up being my V-Dead Day mani, teeee...heeeeee........

But, anyways, now that we got that out of the way I do have a love themed mani to show you today that are kitty cat love nails I did last weekend.  I love these, they came out so cute and that paw print in the heart I cannot express my love for enough.  Every kitty (and dog too) that you have over the years in life most definitely do leave paw prints on your heart of the very best kind possible and my friend, Niki, and I did a pet memorial burnable piece of art one year for our Burning Man regional event that we named "Paw Prints On Your Heart" and it was an amazing piece of art and meant to so much to us and to so many other people that burn, so, paw prints and hearts are my heart.  I plan on doing a blog post on this art piece and nails to go with it in a later post which I will then talk more about the piece then.  I do have a few pics of Paw Prints for you at the end of this post.

For these first nails I used a base of China Glaze "Spring In My Step" then stamped the images using OPI "Lost My Bikini In Molokini" and Messy Mansion Plate MM50 and JR-35 plate.  I then put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a coat of Revlon "Pink Glaze" on the others.
Spring In My Step on it's own, it's pastel and it's pink so I love it :)
 Then the next mani I did last night I decided I wanted to use some paw prints on too so I did these with a stamping plate for the paw prints and then did some dab brushing too for these.  I love these paw prints so much and I love cute little paws too :)  My base here is Essie "Lapiz of Luxury" and Orly "Push the Limit", Orly "Risky Behaviour" and Orly "Gumdrop" for the dab brushed nails, then I stamped with a no name Kleancolor metallic black (from a mini set I got, so, it may have a name, but, no names on the bottles) and Uber Chic Furry Best Friends plate with one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the brushed and stamped nails and a Melly Mix on the rest.  To do these brush nails I just dropped some polish on a plate and then dabbed the polishes onto the nail with a nail art brush and cleaned the brush with acetone when I was done.  It's easy and looks cool, I really, really love these nails :)

Lapiz of Luxury on it's own, it's more lilac than my pics show, but, my camera has a hard time with colors like this, it's pretty.
 Here is a pic of each side of Paw Prints On Your Heart.  I will forever be so proud of this art piece, it was amazing!!!

And, of course here's some kitty pics of my baby girl, Miss Betty, my heart, she's so stinkin' cute, this one is  :)
That's it, enjoy the rest of your night and I'll talk to you soon!
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?