Monday, February 1, 2016

Nails For Dad

Happy Monday Loves, 

Hope you are all well today.  I am okay, it's Monday, but, it wasn't a bad Monday, so, I'll take it :)  I am still hurty in my back since Casey and I put a load of hay away on Saturday which was a bitch cuz' we had to take it from up by the road down to the barn because of the snow, it was a lot of work and sucked, but, my horse is worth it so I won't complain too much : )

Tonight I have the nails I did for my Dad's memorial service two weeks ago.  Dad was a big outdoors man and hunter, so, I decided on some huntin' orange, deer and squirrel for him.  He would have liked it.  I still can't believe he's gone, it still doesn't seem real most days and it's not even been a month since he died yet it feels like it's also been months now, so strange.  I miss my Dad every single day and think about him constantly, losing a parent sucks beyond words, sigh ;(  I've also included in this post what I wrote and said about Dad at the memorial. 

My base for my nails for Dad was China Glaze "Lady & The Vamp", then I stamped using Born Pretty plate BP-35 and Konad black stamping polish and put one coat of OPI "That's All Bright With Me" on all nails except the glitter nail which was Milani "Sugar High" .

Lady & the Vamp on it's own, this is a really great Huntin' Orange, it's a good one!!!
Here's what I wrote for Dad:

                                                           For My Daddy

Before I begin I would like to share an experience I had about a week ago.  One night I 
was feeling very sad, depressed and unmotivated to do anything, even my nails which I 
really needed to do, but, just didn't feel like it and I went and laid down on the bed
with my one kitty, Betty.  As I was laying there cuddling her I felt a cat jump up behin
me, when I turned to look there was no physical cat there, but, there was a
cat there and it was lying up against my back, I felt it and I said, "Who's here visiting?"  I 
wasn't answered, but, in that moment I felt such a sense of peace come over me and
I knew, I just knew that Dad had made it to the Bridge and he was okay. 
I said, "Thank you" and went back to snuggling Miss Betty and then all of a sudden I felt my 
motivation come back to me and I wanted to get up and do my nails, so, I gave Betty a kiss 
and got up from the bed.  When I got up Betty was staring so intently at the spot where 
whichever kitty had come to me had been, it was a really neat experience and I am glad 
that I got to experience this with Betty of all kitties    
I want to begin by saying that my Dad was a great Dad!  He worked so hard to provide 
for Mom and us kids.  He always made sure we had a roof over our heads and food
in our bellies.  He taught me a lot about a lot of things.  He taught me to have a 
backbone  and to stand up for what I believe in.  He taught me how to use tools, 
shoot a gun, how to  appreciate the simple things in life, to love and appreciate 
nature, the country, the mountains and camping.  He taught me to be proud of where 
I come from.

He taught me the fine art of flea marketing, some of my fondest memories with Dad
will always be the flea markets and remembering looking for his hat whenever I  
"lost" him there.  I always knew I'd find him when I found the hat he always had on. 
Those are wonderful memories I will always cherish.  I will always cherish all the times 
we went to the bus camping in Potter County and flea marketing there too.  Those are
many happy and fun memories too.

But, my most cherished memory full of love for me with Dad will always and forever
be the first year I made it to the State 4-H horse show with my horse Alazar who was 
the first horse I ever trained myself.  Dad didn't go to the shows, he just didn't, and
that night after my class I rode out of the ring and there was Dad standing holding 
a soda for me.  I about fell off of Alazar that night when I saw him there.  I had no
idea he was in the stands  watching me show and I was so utterly happy and 
surprised and it made my heart swell with emotion.  Dad was there to see me show 
and that meant the world to me.  One day at the hospital I was talking to him about
 this and told him how much that meant to me and his reply was, 
"Well, Alazar was a good horse."

There truly could not have been a better reply to this from Dad.  Those words said
so much of how proud he was of me and will stay with me forever in the most 
loving way possible.  There's so much more I could say, but, there's others that have 
things to say too, so, I will close by saying this to my Dad.

Dad, I love you so much and am so proud you were my Dad and I am your daughter.
I know we will meet again one day at the Bridge and it will be wonderful, but, until 
then there's so much I am going to miss about you.  I'm really going to miss 
talking to you and really, really going to miss your dumb Dad jokes, they were silly, 
but, most of all I am going to miss you.  Alazar was a good horse and you were a goo
man.  Every year for the rest of my life my Holy Huntin' Holiday nails will be for you
like they were the last two. 

I love you Daddy forever and forever.


Your weird daughter,

Smelly Melly  
And, that is what I wrote for Dad.  Dad was a really good man and I truly am so honored 
and so proud I am his kid and he was my Dad. 
Here's some pics of Dad. I miss him so. 

Here't the link to my Dad's obituary if you'd like to read that:

That's it for now, I'll talk to you all soon!  Have a great rest of the night, it's a new X Files night, so, I am looking really forward to that!  I love the X Files and so glad they are back on with new episodes again, yay!!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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