Thursday, August 31, 2017

Potter County & The Dam Show

Happy Thursday My Loves,

Hello, I hope you are doing well and that your week is going good!!  Mine is okay.  Last weekend Casey, myself and our friend, Amy, went camping in Potter County, PA to chill out at the bus (a 1939 school bus converted to a camper), my families camp, and go to a music festival that was held at the old Austin Dam ruins up there.  Back in 1911 the dam gave way and 78 people lost their lives in this tragedy.  The site is now a memorial park, a really pretty place that you can visit and camp at.  The festival we went to was classic rock cover and tribute bands and was so much fun.  It was good music with really good vibes and we met some really cool peeps on Saturday at the show.  I'm already looking forward to next year's event and since this was the first one we went to I know what to expect now for next year and just can't wait :)

You can learn about the dam and it's history here:
I had posted about the dam last year in this blog post after one of our camping trip when we went to visit the dam, you can find that post here:

So, of course for the music festival I did some festive nails for it.  I love, love, love how these came out, was really happy with them :)

For these, I did a base of Essie "Blue-La-La".  I used a few polishes I didn't bother to note and nail art brushes to draw the words, dam ruins and grass.  I put a coat of BaronessX "Esmeralda" on my thumb and pinky nails.

Blue-La-La on it's own, this one is a really pretty blue, I like it! 
Here's some pics from the Dam Show, the bus at camp and Lyman Lake up in there also that we went to visit when we left on Sunday. Hope you enjoy the pictures :)

Casey and me at the Dam Show
My new friend, Steph, I met at the show. She was awesome :) 
Random pics from the show

Casey getting ready to paint the top of the bus. 
The bus
Casey & me by the bus :)  Dad's had that sticker on the bus for who knows how long that I love, it says, "Vegetarian, an old Indian word for poor hunter." and the peace sign vine art I was gifted at the Dam Show.  I LOVE these two things together :) 

Lyman Lake 

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It's gorgeous up there in Potter County, PA, "God's Country" (is the county slogan).  I love being up there, it's the place I really feel closest to my Dad since he died as the camp was his camp and he had so much Potter County pride and really, what's cooler than a 1939 school bus converted to a camp? Not much :)  We saw lots of deer, a gray fox and a porcupine this past weekend. We also had a bear come into camp and tear our trash bags apart.  The bear gave Amy a big scare since she sleeps in her vehicle when she comes up with us but also kinda funny after the fact :)  Can't wait till the next trip up to the bus in October, yay!  I love it up there!!!!!

That's all for today folks, have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Appreciate Black Cats

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day, YAY :)

Today is my very favorite holiday of the entire year, it's Black Cat Appreciation Day.  This day was started about 8 or 9 years or so ago as a Facebook event to spread awareness about black cats, debunk myths about black cats and to encourage adopting black cats as they are the least adopted cats in shelters and rescues due to the silly myths about them. It was meant as a one time event, however, it was decided by the founders to do it again the following year and then the following year and now it's an annual day to celebrate black cats and I LOVE it. If you know me or have been reading this blog then you know already that I love all kitties, but those solid black cats are my heart and soul when it comes to kitties.  I've had quite a few over the years and will always have a black cat or three or more in my life.  I need/must have one in my life at all times for my life to be complete.  I LOVE black cats :)

Ever since I was a little girl I was drawn to the black cats for some reason and that never stopped as I got older. There's just something about those black cats!! So, if you are looking to adopt a cat or maybe add another one to your family, please consider adopting a black one.  They are the least adopted in shelters since people think they bring bad luck, but let me tell you, the only luck they bring is good luck and all the love too!!!
Here's some reasons to adopt a black cat:
Of course to honor this most special day I did some nail this week for it.  The first ones I did this past Sunday and the second ones I did last night for today. Hope you like them!

For these first ones I did a base of China Glaze "Applejack of My Eye".  I stamped using Funky Fingers "Black Knight" with Born Pretty BPL-025, Messy Mansion MM50 and Bundle Monster BM-S162 plates and a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails.  The glitter is OPI "My Voice Is A Little Norse".
Here's my nails with a sweet sleeping Miss Betty :)

Applejack of My Eye on it's own.  This is a really pretty shade of red, I like it.
Here my base was China Glaze "Kill 'Em With Kindness".  The cats are some decals, then I drew the grass on with Essie "Ruffles & Feathers" and the clouds with a white nail striper.  I put a coat of Ma.Nish.Ma "Beyond Opal" on my thumb and pinky to finish. I love these, kitties in the grass :)

Kill 'Em With Kindness on it's own.
This picture is of Barney and Fred, two brothers I adopted back when I was 21.  They were awesome boys.  Barney was a total Momma's boy and he had a big paw in Betty coming to be with me now, I know it.  I never thought I'd have another Barney until Miss Betty came along and she's my female version of him :)   Fred was super quirky and super cool, he was funny :)

Barney & Fred
This was Bam Bam.   I adopted him when I lost Barney.  He was a big huge huge cat and super awesome too.  He was sweet and such a good boy with a great personality.
Bam Bam
After Bammy went to Rainbow Bridge I then adopted Dino, in the pic below, and then Pebbles and Betty came into my life.  These are the ones currently in my life.
Pebbles, Dino & Betty
Have you noticed the name theme I have going on with my black cats?  My favorite cartoon of all time is The Flintstones so it was totally appropriate that my cats be names after them.  The next black male I have in my life will be Mr. Slate and the next black female will be Wilma whenever that time comes :)

That's all for today.  If you have a black cat, be sure to give it some extra hugs and love today, if you don't have a black cat, well, then find one to appreciate today :)  I know I will be giving all mine some extra extra black cat love today :)

Talk to you all soon, soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

"To Make The Best Better"

Happy Sunday Love Bugs,

Hope you are well and having a fantastic weekend!  Mine has been pretty good.  Yesterday I went to see my cousin's daughter show in her very first show ever showing her sheep in the youth organization, 4-H, at our county's 4-H Fair.  My Mom met me there and we had a really good time. When I was a kid I was in the 4-H Horse Club, it was some of my best times ever growing up, 4-H was a lot of good times and fun. My cousin's daughter, Lauren, did really well showing her sheep and it was really nice seeing some people I hadn't seen in a long time there.  4-H is a wonderful youth organization with many different types of clubs for kids. If you want to learn more about 4-H you can do so here:

The title of my post today is actually the 4-H motto and I still know the 4-H pledge too by heart after all these years, I've never forgotten it after saying it every month for 10 years from age 8 to 18 :) I have a bunch of pics from the Fair below my nails.

I did a base of OPI "Green Come True" (the green) and Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "White On" (the white).  I stamped using Winstonia W105 Plate and Finger Paints "Ball Gown Glamour".  I used a nail striper for the white words and "Ball Gown Glamour" for the green "4-H".  The glitter is Pretty Woman "Green".


Green Come True and White On on their own.
Here are a slew of pics in no particular order from yesterday.  Hope you enjoy them :)

This is myself and my cousins, I love this pic so much!!!

There you have my pics from my day at the Fair. There were so many goats there and I tried to give them all some attention,  I LOVE goats and in my next life I will be a crazy goat lady, that is for sure!

That's it for today, have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?